
The pain was unlike anything Alex had ever experienced in the game, or in real life. It felt as though a thousand needles were piercing his skull, reaching deep into his brain.

"What happened!?" Joseph, Emma, and Mary rushed to his side, attempting to alleviate his suffering, but nothing they did seemed to help. Alex remained trapped in an endless cycle of agony, oblivious to their efforts.

It took five excruciating minutes for the pain to finally subside, and for Alex to regain his senses. However, even after the torment had passed, he remained in a daze, his gaze unfocused as he struggled to comprehend what had transpired.

"I-I don't know... Something feels different," Alex muttered, his voice trembling.

"What do you mean? Please, tell us! We're all terrified," Emma implored, her face etched with concern.