Tough Battle

"You've lost a significant amount of HP," Joseph observed, his fingers skillfully playing his instruments to continue bolstering the party. "I'm uncertain if we can endure this."

Following their initial clash with the boss, Alex's group began to entertain doubts regarding their ability to emerge victorious. Such doubts were often the primary cause of a party's failure.

They couldn't afford to succumb to negativity! In combat, regardless of how dire the situation appeared, perseverance was key. Alex firmly believed in this principle, and he hoped his party shared his conviction.

"We can overcome this challenge," Alex declared, his voice infused with determination. "Don't allow this furry brute to intimidate you!"

Assuming the role of the frontline fighter, Alex commanded his skeletons to advance, diverting the boss's attention. He then activated his Shadow Cloak, which surprisingly leveled up to level 2, enhancing its effectiveness.