Clash of Titans

Alex's heart raced, his senses heightened to their peak. He fixed his gaze on the approaching boss, now reduced to crawling like a true beast, owing to the loss of one of its legs and an arm. Its movements were limited, unable to execute the same attacks as before.

"I can do this!" Alex affirmed inwardly, seizing the opportunity presented by the weakened state of his opponent. Knowing that such a formidable creature likely possessed remarkable regenerative abilities, Alex understood the urgency of concluding the battle swiftly. Procrastination would only exacerbate the situation.

With determination fueling his actions, Alex opted for a simple straight sword as his weapon of choice. There was no elaborate strategy behind this decision—no special bonuses or tactical considerations. It simply boiled down to his proficiency with the one-handed sword, which surpassed his skill with any other weapon type.