Fireball, Fireball, and Maybe One More?

The force behind Sybille's blood magic was tremendous. It easily destroyed Alex's shield, and the spear pierced through his torso.

[-700 HP]

A massive damage to his health bar appeared before his eyes, and the pain spread through his body. Lots of blood spurted from the wound, making it difficult for Alex to keep fighting for long.

Emma grew worried when she saw Alex getting hit by the spear while protecting them. Instead of crying and yelling, she decided to strike back.

"Hey, you bitch, eat this!" Emma yelled.

Emma had prepared her usual Fireball spell. It was often the first spell most mages learned, but that didn't make it any less effective. The Fireball spell was a core attack of many mages.

Mary, on the other hand, focused on a spell to hinder Sybille's movements. The spell she chose was a wood-type spell, Thorns! Vines erupted from the floor, enveloping Sybille's feet and immobilizing her for around three seconds.