One More to the Team

A smoke screen formed, shrouding a significant portion of the room due to the Fireballs cast by Emma and Mary. Everyone observed from a distance, eagerly awaiting its dissipation to catch a glimpse of Sybille.

Harkor couldn't ascertain if Sybille was still alive. However, he hoped she was, as all he desired was to aid her.

In contrast, Alex knew she was alive. Sybille was a dungeon boss, and the absence of any notification suggested she remained active.

After what felt like an eternity, the smoke cleared, revealing Sybille. Her armor was in ruins, her hair disheveled, and her body covered in burns. Some parts of her skin were even peeling off. Her appearance alone conveyed the extent of her injuries. Sybille could barely move, and her eyes no longer held the same ferocity as before.

"H-Harkor, I am sane again. Please, help me!" Sybille pleaded as she fell to her knees.

At that moment, a choice appeared before Alex.