After having lunch and exiting the Military Major's mansion, Song Qi arranged for someone to take Mu Lin back to the military area. However, they were in a certain part of downtown when...

"Stop the car." Mu Lin suddenly said.

"Doctor Mu?" The driver hit the brakes, not understanding, and looked back at Mu Lin in confusion.

Mu Lin said, "I suddenly don't want to go back so early. Since I'm out, I want to take a walk around." To breathe some fresh air outside.

"Do you need me to wait for you?" The driver asked. His task today was to transport Doctor Mu Lin, who has excellent medical skills, back to the military camp.

"No need." Mu Lin shook her head, "You can go back first. If Uncle Song asks, just tell him I wanted to unwind alone and I'll take a taxi back later."

"Alright." The driver nodded. Mu Lin turned around and began walking in one direction, but suddenly heard the driver calling from behind: "Doctor Mu?"