Chapter 179: Saved Some Trouble (extra update)_2

At first, the thugs were startled by the sudden noise, but when they saw Mu Lin's harmless yet beautiful face, they became overly excited.

It seemed like their luck today was impeccable; they had been blessed with two beauties. The one stuck on the wall, though, seemed tastier than the one in front of them.

Upon noticing the flash of lasciviousness in their eyes, Mu Lin's gaze turned icy cold.

Tsk, they dared to fantasize about her—it appeared their guts were quite plump!


One of them, wearing an enticing smile on his face, looked at Mu Lin and said, "We're playing a fun game. Would you like to come down and join us?" He was virtually acting like the big bad wolf trying to lure the little rabbit.

Unfortunately for them, Mu Lin was no rabbit, but the most venomous serpent imaginable—invoking her wrath would lead to severe disability, if not death.

"A fun game?" Mu Lin tilted her head and said, "Let me think about it." She adopted a genuinely contemplating pose.