Chapter 223: Yan Zilei's Desire to Cry but No Tears (Third Update)_2

Xu Yibai nodded, "I still owe you three favors." As he said this, a comforting smile lay on his face. The words were spoken leisurely, as if subtly reminding Mu Lin, in fear that she might have forgotten them.

Frankly, he was indeed worried that Mu Lin would forget. After all, she had saved countless lives, and perhaps, many people owed her favors or conditions. Yet, she never lacked for such things.

In her self-effacing view, she meant nothing special, at most just another person among the multitudes she had saved.

Hearing this, Mu Lin's lips lifted slightly, "Rest assured, I remember." She did not need his reminder.

"That's good." Xu Yibai nodded. He had initially thought that when he met Mu Lin again, he might have a lot to tell her. However, now that he had finally met her, he found himself at a loss for words.

Yan Zilei mused.