Chapter 224: Mu Lin, inexplicably entangled (an additional chapter)_1

"Qiaozi, do you want to come with me?" Mu Lin asked, watching Qiaozi lazily sprawled across the sofa as she descended from the attic.

Upon hearing this, Qiaozi sprung to life, causing a gust of wind that drifted through Mu Lin's fringe.

It had assumed that Mu Lin might not take it along.

"I've told you not to take off arbitrarily in here," Mu Lin sighed. This bird, once it spread its wings, was nearly two meters wide. This suite was large, but...she decided to stop herself there.

Hearing Mu Lin's words, Qiaozi obediently settled down in front of her, tilting its head and grinning dopily, showing no signs of regret in its big eyes.

Mu Lin couldn't be bothered arguing, so she strode towards the door.

Watching Mu Lin's retreating figure, Qiaozi considered unfurling its wings to follow, but deciding against it after recalling Mu Lin's instructions. Instead, it trotted off after her.

Indeed, flying was much easier.