Chapter 307 Only Belongs to You (Second Update)_2

On the other hand, Xiao Min and Xiao Shaoyu raised their eyebrows and watched the drama unfold with a sense of schadenfreude. This, of course, included the Xiao family's madam, Wang Mei.

In this world, she might be the person who loathed Xiao Feng's existence the most; why? His existence was a constant reminder of her husband's infidelity, of the fact that their family inheritance would ultimately have to be shared with this illegitimate child. She would never allow this. Unfortunately, the family patriarch had always sheltered this bastard, otherwise, he would have long been disposed of.

Wang Mei couldn't understand why her own father treated this bastard child better than her own children, despite his endless troublemaking. But he was still protected. Was this justice?

Of course, whether these people liked him or not didn't matter at all to Xiao Feng. If they did like him, he would find that truly horrifying.