Chapter 308: Choked up (Third update)_1

Her lips were a little swollen, but they emitted a mysterious luster that made them even more enticing.

Mu Lin pushed Jing Chen aside and walked into the restroom to touch up her lipstick. She was certainly a visionary, having bought a lipstick from the makeup artist she found at the Ya Family's house. Indeed, it had been completely consumed.

Actually, consuming too much of some ingredients in the lipstick was not good at all.

Stepping out of the restroom, Mu Lin held a wet tissue in her hand, lightly dabbing at the corner of Jing Chen's mouth, so he wouldn't leave the house looking like this.

However, today's Mr. Jing exhibited a different kind of charm. His suit was neat and sharp, in stark contrast to his standard military attire. It shed the stern justice, but added a hint of rebelliousness; truly perfect.

In Mu Lin's eyes, apart from his temper, everything about this man in front of her was so perfect it was envy-inducing.