Chapter 12: Divorce (3)_1

However, Mo Wenxuan didn't have much time to think as the weather took a sudden turn.

The gloomy sky had suddenly started to pour with rain the size of beans.

Nan Quanyou hurriedly beckoned the Mo family, "In-laws... oh no, the village head, please hurry into the shelter and avoid the rain."

Though the Mo family had the same intention, Nan Feng suddenly spoke, "Father, let's not trouble Uncle Mo and Aunt Mo. Our house is small, and with plenty of things, we don't even have room to sit."

"..." Wenxuan's mother was momentarily stunned. Yes, those were her exact words.

Nan Feng still had a smile on her face as she spoke, "Then, Uncle Mo, Aunt Mo, please take care when you leave. The road is slippery in the rain."

From the side, Wenxuan's father said, "Alright, alright, let's hurry home."

The rain became heavier, and the Mo family, a little resentful, ran out of the yard.

It was only at a considerable distance that Mo Wenxuan turned around to look back.

That small figure still sat motionless under the eaves of the house, busy picking beans with a bamboo sieve in her hand. Her long hair hung down as she was completely engrossed in her task.

Perhaps it was because of the distance, but Mo Wenxuan couldn't make out Nan Feng's face. He only had a vague impression of the girl separated by the curtain of rain, and felt a refreshing charm surrounding her.

Just like it's written in books: Light rouge evenly applied, the casual flowers have a delicate aroma.


This rain lasted half the day, but Nan Feng didn't slack at all.

From yesterday's meal, half of the rabbit meat was left. She picked out a few fat pieces, squeezed out the oil, added some garlic, onions, and after sautéing the rabbit meat, she added the mushrooms she had picked from the mountain yesterday. Then, she added water, and slowly stewed the mixture.

In no time, the alluring combined aroma of meat and mushroom wafted out, filling the whole row of houses.

Nan Quanyou had never had meat for two meals in a row, and his mouth watered as he anticipated the meal.

"Father, let's eat. Here's your bowl. Oh, we would be so lucky to have a little wine to pair with it. It would taste even better that way," Nan Feng said with a laugh.

But after taking only two bites of meat, Nan Quanyou started to worry, "Fengfeng, do you... feel upset about Uncle Mo and Aunt Mo?"

He was mainly concerned because after the Mo family left, Nan Feng acted as if nothing had happened. Shouldn't a girl who has had her marriage proposal rejected feel at least a little upset?

"Father, why would I be upset with them? After they called off the engagement, what they lost was a wonderful daughter-in-law, and all I lost was someone who didn't respect me. You think about it, who's at the bigger loss?"

Nan Quanyou slapped his thigh, "That has to be them!"

"That's right, that's what I am saying," Nan Feng picked up a piece of rabbit meat using her chopsticks and put it into Nan Quanyou's bowl, "Dad, eat up. We can have more tomorrow when I catch another rabbit."

Nan Quanyou laughed in response, "You think rabbits are bred in our backyard, huh? That you can catch whenever you want?"

Nan Feng laughed cunningly, "I have my ways."

The rain finally stopped in the afternoon.

Shortly after, the village assistant, Sister Sima, came knocking at each family's door, making her rounds.

This Sister Sima was similar to the village head's assistant. She was a very direct person. Upon seeing Nan Feng, she looked her up and down and said, "Ah, there's talk of Feng becoming wiser, and it indeed appears so. It's as if you have been reborn."

Nan Feng laughed, "If I were reborn, I would have to start as a baby. I'm this old now."

"Then...what do they call it? Guangguang mentioned it to me... shedding something, changing something?"

Nan Feng knew the phrase was "shedding one's skin and becoming new", but she pretended not to understand and invited Sister Sima inside, "Sister Sima, Guangguang saved my life earlier. I wanted to thank him but couldn't find the time due to agricultural work."

Guangguang was Sima Guang, who saved Nan Feng by breaking the jar.

Sister Sima waved her hand dismissively, "Ah, you don't have to thank anyone. He was just doing what was right."