Chapter 11 Divorce (2)_1

Nan Quanyou quickly replied, "Agree, of course, I agree."

Wenxuan's mother then said, "What are we waiting for then? Let's get an agreement quickly. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner Nan Feng can find a better family and won't be held back by our Wenxuan."

"Alright, but... I don't have paper and a pen at home, we've never needed these things," Nan Quanyou expressed his difficulty.

"Oh, we've thought of that. We have brought paper and a pen," Wenxuan's mother said as she took out paper and a pen from the bag she carried with her.

"We've already written the document. You just need to put your marks on it," Wenxuan's mother said as she handed a piece of red paper to Nan Quanyou.

Nan Feng leaned in closer for a look. Written on it were three traditional Chinese characters: "Divorce Document".

She could not write traditional characters, but she could read them. The first line read: "Due to Nan Feng suffering from epilepsy, she does not possess the qualities of a virtuous woman."

Upon reading this, she felt some anger. However, since the original owner couldn't read, she couldn't show her anger too clearly, so she asked Nan Quanyou, "Father, what does it say?"

"Hmm… I can only recognise 'Nan Feng' and also this 'not' character," Nan Quanyou said sheepishly.

"Father, then let Uncle and Auntie Mo read it out loud," Nan Feng suggested.

The adults of the Mo family looked embarrassed. Their original intention was to take advantage of the father and daughter's lack of education and exaggerate the situation in the divorce document, so they could avoid any future gossip.

Since Nan Feng suggested this, then Wenxuan's father had no choice but to read it out loud.

While he was reading, Mo Wenxuan looked at Nan Feng several times.

Why was she so calm and collected?

She was nothing like the foolish girl who used to chase him around the village.

Ever since she stepped into the courtyard, she hadn't even glanced at him twice, treating him as if he were as insignificant as air.

Moreover, she didn't seem like an idiot at all now. She spoke eloquently. On the day at the granary, she even quoted "a rotten core under a golden shell", how did she learn this? Was it because she was always secretly listening to him reading?

Mo Wenxuan inexplicably felt a bit lost.

Until Nan Feng suddenly spoke, "Uncle Mo, this divorce document you've written is unreasonable. The reason for our divorce should not be because I lack virtues, I have not even married into the family yet, from where did you see that I'm not virtuous? It should be a misalliance that seems reasonable."

The adults in the Mo family felt extremely awkward, "This... shall we go back and revise it?"

Upon hearing this, Mo Wenxuan couldn't help but mock, "You're not trying to prolong the process, are you?"

He had felt a bit lost for a while, now it seemed that this stupid girl was just trying to stall.

As they say, 'give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves'.

Yet, Nan Feng always had a way of surprising people. Just after pointing out the unreasonableness of the divorce document, the next moment, she laughed, looking very considerate, "Uncle Mo, Auntie Mo, I was only pointing out some inconsistencies. As long as you understand, we don't need to bother modifying the divorce document. It would be troublesome to revise it back and forth and would require you two to make another trip. It's okay as it is, Auntie Mo, you brought the red ink paste too, right?"

We, we did," Wenxuan's mother took out the red ink paste from her pocket, but she was not as confident as when she first arrived.

Although they should be the ones in a superior position, why did it feel like they were being led by the nose by a young girl?

Mo Wenxuan watched as Nan Feng finally sign the document. He let out a sigh of relief.

But soon after his relief, that sense of loss came back, quickly filling his heart.

He questioned himself: What the hell is wrong with me?