Chapter 10 Divorce_1

In the courtyard.

She saw her father standing there blankly; in front of him stood the family of three from the Mo Wenxuan family.

The way the Mo family dressed was considered relatively good in the village, where most people wore rough clothes. Their family, however, was dressed in long robes. Although the fabric wasn't the finest, the difference in wealth was apparent.

Nan Feng first walked up to Nan Quanyou, "Dad, if they don't feel like having tea, you don't need to pour it. If they don't like sitting inside, they can sit outside. I'll go and grab a few stools for them."

"Alright, alright," for some strange reason, Nan Quanyou suddenly found himself listening to his daughter's advice.

It was as though she was the backbone of their home now.

Nan Feng brought out a few stools from inside, placing three in the courtyard for the Mo family, while she and her dad sat under the eaves.

"Relatives, may I ask why you have come today?" Nan Quanyou, wanting to take back control in their home, was the first to speak up.

Wenxuan's mother looked at Wenxuan's father, who cleared his throat, indicating for Wenxuan's mother to speak first. Perhaps he was unable to bring this up.

Instead, it was Nan Feng who spoke first: "You have come to cancel the marriage, haven't you? Feel free to speak directly."

Everyone present was surprised by Nan Feng's words.

Everyone in the village said that Nan Feng's foolishness had been cured. It seemed they were right.

Even Mo Wenxuan couldn't help but take a closer look at Nan Feng. Her expression was calm, the corners of her mouth maintaining a light smirk.

Regardless, her face was still as ugly as ever.

Wenxuan's mother finally spoke: "Nan Family, you also know that our family is not the type to discard the poor and cherish the rich, otherwise we would have proposed to cancel the marriage long ago, surely not dragging this out till now. It's just now it seems these two children are really not compatible. A few days ago, Wenxuan horseplayed and ended up nearly drowning Nan Feng in a water tank. His father has already punished him, but we're afraid something like this may occur again in the future."

Nan Quanyou responded, "I've thought about that before, it's indeed not the right match."

Wenxuan's mother spoke again, "I've heard many villagers say that Nan Feng doesn't like Wenxuan anymore, is that true, Nan Feng? And that you have taken a liking to Ye Ge? You even insisted on marrying Ye Ge, I think you two make a good match."

Nan Feng asked: "Because we are both equally ugly?"

Wenxuan's mother was taken aback, and continued with an annoyed tone, "Look at you, child, what are you saying? When did your aunt ever say that you are ugly?"

Nan Feng smiled faintly.

Finally, Wenxuan's father spoke up, "Actually, there's also the fact that Wenxuan has always been in school, right? His tutor said that he's got potential for his academic studies, he can take the imperial exam and become the top scholar in the future. If he passes the exam, he would be the top scholar. Have you ever seen a top scholar return to the village? They all end up marrying the daughters of high officials in the Capital City."

Nan Feng gave Mo Wenxuan a calm look and said, "And if he fails the exam?"

Nan Quanyou quickly intervened, "Child, you shouldn't talk nonsense. My in-law...I mean, village chief, please forgive Nan Feng."

Mo Wenxuan glared at Nan Feng.

Wenxuan's father added, "Quanyou, till now, I am still very grateful to Nan Feng's mother. If it wasn't for her back then … ah, I don't want to talk about the past anymore."

Nan Quanyou quickly responded, "No, no. When Nan Feng's mother proposed the child marriage back then, she was also hoping that Nan Feng could have a better life in the future. But since she and Wenxuan are not suitable, there is no such good life to speak of. Her mother would understand this, even from the other side."

At this point, Nan Quanyou's mood dropped severely.

The atmosphere became gloomy.

Finally, Wenxuan's father asked, "So, Quanyou, you would agree to the cancellation of the marriage, then?"