Chapter 9 Eating Meat_1

As soon as Aunt Lan heard Nan Feng say this, she first took the half-bowl of rabbit meat, then pulled Nan Feng over and whispered, "Nan Feng, I heard you made a bold statement on the grain drying field, saying that you prefer to marry Wild Brother rather than Wenxuan, is it true?"

"It's true," Nan Feng didn't hide.

Aunt Lan examined Nan Feng up and down, "Your father said you were better, and indeed, you are. I'm really happy for you. Nan Feng, let me give you some friendly advice. It's okay for you to like Wild Brother, and you two are actually quite a good match. Despite his unpleasant looks, Wild Brother has a good heart and would treat you well. But for now, avoid any gossip. Don't let the villagers talk behind your back."

Nan Feng nodded, "Alright, thank you, Aunt Lan, for the reminder. I'll be careful about that. Well, I got to go now, next time when we have delicacies in our house, I'll make sure to bring some over."

Having said that, Nan Feng ran off back home. As for avoiding gossip, she didn't care much.

The rabbit meat was too tempting; she couldn't resist, seeing as Nan Quanyou might eat all of it. But to her surprise, Nan Quanyou didn't touch even a piece, he earnestly waited for Nan Feng to come back before digging in.

Nan Feng found it amusing, her father was a straightforward man. Even though they hadn't eaten meat for half a year, he could still hold it back.

The father and daughter began to eat, handing each other pieces of meat. Having not had any meat for such a long time, they both wolfed it down. Nan Feng had to remind her father, "slow down, there's plenty more."

"Uh-huh, you too," he said, even though he couldn't pause.

In the end, there was a single piece of rabbit meat left in the bowl. They both looked at each other, each insisting the other to eat it.

"FengFeng, you're still growing, you have it."

"I'm small, my appetite is small too. I'm already full. You eat it, Dad."

"Before you were born, I often went hunting in the mountains. I've had enough, you eat."

"You're lying! You've always been a farmer. Where have you been hunting in the mountains? Just eat it when I tell you to."


Finally, unable to outlast Nan Feng, Nan Quanyou ate the last piece of meat.

Nan Feng asked Nan Quanyou with a smile, "Dad, is the meat delicious?"

"Of course."

"Do you want to eat it again in the future?"


"Alright, FengFeng will think of a solution. I promise you, you'll be eating meat every day!"

Nan Feng had this confidence.


Early in the morning.

Nan Feng was still in bed when she heard someone knocking on their door. "Is anyone home? Are my dear relatives there?"


Nan Feng got up at once. She could guess with her toes who was knocking. It must be Mo Wenxuan's parents.

Through the original host's memory, Nan Feng knew that Mo Wenxuan's family hadn't visited their home in many years. This unexpected visit...

Slowly, Nan Feng got out of bed, changed her clothes, and combed her hair.

Actually, she didn't really have many outfits. She wore the same few clothing items over and over. This time, Nan Feng picked a linen dress and tied her hair in a Mori Girl style. This style would be quite artistic if put in a modern context.

Not long after, she heard the voice of Nan Quanyou from next door, "Yo, it's my in-laws! How come you're here so early?"

Wenxuan's Father: "We were afraid you would go work in the fields early, so we came a bit early. We have something to discuss with you."

"Oh, come inside then and have a seat."

Wenxuan's Mother: "No need for that, we can just bring some stools into the courtyard to sit. Your house is crammed, and I'm afraid there won't be enough room."

Nan Quanyou: "But... you're rarely here, it isn't appropriate to entertain you in the yard without even giving you a cup of tea."

Wenxuan's Mother: "You still have tea? What kind of tea?"

Nan Quanyou: "Wild flowers picked from the mountain."

Wenxuan's Mother: "Forget it, save it for yourselves. We came just to discuss some matters. We will leave as soon as we're done."


Only then did Nan Feng go out.