Chapter 18 Nan Feng Mother Arrow_1

At Special Agent School, the trainees not only had to master firearms, but they also had to learn how to use some cold weapons, such as knives. This training was given to ensure that agents could use knives for defense and attack if they did not have a gun to hand.

And Nan Feng happened to excel in throwing knives.

While her skills might not have been on par with those of Li Xunhuan's legendary flying knife skills, as long as she had a knife, Nan Feng could accurately hit a target within thirty feet.

However, the only weapons she had at home were a kitchen knife and an axe she had taken to the mountains.

Without a bow and arrow or throwing knives, armed only with a long spear, how could she win if she encountered larger prey?

It was approaching midday, the hottest time of the day, with the sun directly above her head. The cicadas were making intermittent chirping sounds.

Nan Feng wiped the sweat off her forehead, rested under a crooked tree, and placed her long spear beside her.

It was when she was looking at the sharp end of her spear that she suddenly came up with an idea.

The long spear Ye Ge had was actually a hard wooden stick that had been sharpened at the top and then sanded smooth, not an iron weapon intended for fighting enemies.

In that case, could she mimic and make a batch of short knives?

Nan Feng decided to do it.

She cut off a tree branch, split it into two, but did not immediately whittle it into the shape of a knife; instead, she first tested the feel of it.

With a "swish", one stick was thrown towards a yellow wildflower.

However, it missed by a finger's width.

Nan Feng knew this was a matter of weight and force. The weight of the wood was different from that of steel, and the strength of her current body was inconsistent with her previous strength, hence the deviation.

She then made the wooden pieces slightly bigger to compensate for the weight of the steel.

After a few more tries, she finally managed to hit the wildflower. Nan Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph, she had finally made a weapon for herself.

Without delay, she carved a few more identical pieces, sharpening their tips even more.

However, since they were made of wood, they couldn't really be called knives, so she thought they should have a resounding name.

Unfortunately, her weakest subject in Special Agent School had always been Language and Literature.

After pondering for a while, Nan Feng decided to call these homemade weapons "Nan Feng's Arrows".

Exactly, this name was perfect. It was both loud and imposing.

As if Lady Luck was particularly favoring her, just after Nan Feng had finished making her "arrows", a colorful pheasant suddenly scurried out from the bushes.

Nan Feng casually flung one of her "arrows" forward, the sharp end piercing the pheasant's neck.

Poor pheasant, it had just emerged and before it had time to react, it had already dropped dead with its head cocked to one side.

Nan Feng wore a triumphant smile on her lips. She immediately ran over to pick up the pheasant. Despite not being too heavy, it would definitely taste delicious when roasted.

Planning on heading deeper into the mountains, Nan Feng concealed the pheasant under some dry grass and marked the spot before continuing her journey further inside.

By the time she reached the heart of the mountain, she had already bagged two pheasants, a hare, and two masked palm civets.

She had quite a haul, all thanks to the "arrows" in her hand.

If it weren't for the fact that the tip of the arrow was stained with animal fur and blood, Nan Feng would really have liked to kiss this temporarily assembled weapon.

As the sun began to set, Nan Feng decided that she had enough and would return to the mountains tomorrow if there were no problems.

She retraced her steps and picked up the pheasants and hare she had caught on her way there.

During her return, she even stumbled upon a large patch of wild shepherd's purse. Excited, she first placed her spoils in a hemp bag, then squatted down to pick shepherd's purse.

Now she had both meat and vegetables!

Nan Feng was busily picking shepherd's purse when she suddenly had an uneasy feeling.