Chapter 19 A Wolf Attacks_1

With the intuition of a Special Agent, she felt alarmingly aware of two sets of eyes fixated on her from behind.

Nan Feng slowly turned her head, her heart suddenly leaping into her throat at that moment.

Among a few ferns, a gray wolf peering out with more than half of its body, its pair of glowing green eyes were staring right at her!

The wolf was likely attracted by the smell of the rabbit and pheasant's blood.

In her past life when traversing the jungle, Nan Feng had encountered a wolf, but then they were at a distance, and she was armed with a gun, making it simple to eliminate a single wolf.

But this time, the wolf was less than ten feet away from her and seemed ready to pounce at any moment.

Nan Feng was grateful that she discovered it early, any later and her throat might already have been torn apart!

Now, facing Nan Feng's equally murderous gaze, the wolf did not immediately pounce. Instead, it entered into a standoff with her.

Still, Nan Feng knew the wolf would pounce sooner or later.

In this era, the wilderness was full of wild wolves and boars, hunters would occasionally come to hunt, and there were also instances of wolves attacking villagers so there's an irreconcilable tension between these animals and the villagers.

Nan Feng held the spear warily, but the gray wolf obviously sensed her intent, it growled lowly, beginning to crouch, ready to pounce at any moment!

Nan Feng let out a low growl of her own, even more ferocious than the wolf.

The wolf suddenly stepped back, but a second later, the fury in its eyes was even more fierce than before.

However, Nan Feng had already seized the opportunity, already wielding the spear in her hands, quickly adjusting her fighting stance, she knelt on the ground, brandishing her spear towards the wolf, signaling her attack.

The wolf felt challenged, it crouched again, its powerful claws scratching at the ground twice, before lunging towards Nan Feng like an arrow with an angry roar-

Nan Feng swiftly sidestepped, swinging her spear, aiming to strike the wolf in the eye but unfortunately, she missed.

The tip of the spear pierced the wolf's forehead, blood instantly flowed down from the wound.

But such an injury didn't seem to affect the wolf much, instead, the wolf seemed to become even angrier, it immediately adjusted its direction and lunged at Nan Feng again.

Nan Feng's spear was not properly adjusted, so she could only dodge the wolf's attack while swinging her spear around.

However, even with her agile body, without a good physical base, she couldn't keep up with the wolf's speed.

There was a moment when her shoulder was nearly torn by the wolf's claw, luckily she dodged in time, her flexible body swiftly rolled, spun around a tree, and returned to where she had been picking shepherd's purse.

The wolf didn't give Nan Feng a chance to escape, it charged at her again with an angry roar.

Nan Feng could no longer stand and run, as her height would make her easily knocked over by the wolf. Now she could only roll and dodge on the ground.

She couldn't keep this up, she felt her strength slowly draining.

What to do? If she kept this up, she would surely die!

Finally, Nan Feng couldn't avoid the wolf's attack, the wolf pounced onto her, ready to tear at her throat, lucky for her, she had her spear. Lying on the ground, she propped the spear against her body, preventing the wolf from getting close.

She was down, the wolf was up.

Nan Feng's heart was in her throat, her body soaked in sweat, she didn't know how much longer she could hold on.

The sun had set, a group of birds flew overhead in alarm, the forest rustling with noise.

And the wolf's claws were getting closer and closer.

The breath of the wolf was puffing on Nan Feng's face, the wolf's face, covered in sores, revealed a strong unwillingness to admit defeat.

No, she couldn't let herself be bitten by the wolf, she must survive!