Chapter 4: The Best Quality CEO

With these thoughts, her heart raced thumpingly hard.

She even couldn't help but secretly take a few looks at Lin Dong.

Lin Dong was much more handsome and strong than Lin Jian...

And ever since Lin Jian had the car accident four years ago, he hadn't touched her at all. She had been pent up for four whole years...

If only...

It was at this moment that Lin Dong spoke up, "Sister Bai Jue, what you're saying is, if given five hundred thousand, will he delete the videos on the phone, divorce you, and set you free?"

Bai Jue's face flushed as she realized she had been letting her thoughts wander.

"He probably will. In his eyes, I'm not worth five hundred thousand anyway." She shook her head bitterly in response.

"Okay, Sister Bai Jue. Give me some time; I will get the five hundred thousand to buy his videos and your freedom," Lin Dong said.

Upon hearing such words from Lin Dong, Bai Jue felt a warmth in her heart, a feeling she had missed for a very long time.

But she immediately shook her head with a wry smile.

Five hundred thousand wasn't so easy to come by.

In her eyes, Lin Dong was just a country kid who hadn't even been to university.

Making a living in the city was good enough for him.

Let alone making money, and five hundred thousand at that—it was too difficult.

"Alright, Dongzi, it's very late tonight, you should go and rest," she said.

Bai Jue shook her head and led Lin Dong to a room.

The room was shabby, but it was clean.

"Dongzi, I'm really sorry. The house is simple; I can only apologize you have to cram in a room with me for the night," Bai Jue said embarrassingly.

Lin Dong's face turned red, "Sister Bai Jue, is that really okay? I should just sleep on the sofa in the living room."

"No, that sofa is not suitable for sleeping at all. It reeks of Lin Jian's smell, beer scent... You just stay in my room and squeeze in with Sister Bai Jue. My room has two beds; you can sleep on the smaller bed," Bai Jue said.

Hearing there were two beds, Lin Dong was a bit hesitant but eventually nodded.

Once the silence set in, Bai Jue thought about the incident at the train station's small inn and felt immensely embarrassed, her face blushing red.

Lin Dong also felt awkward...

"Um, Dongzi, go and take a bath, the bathroom is over there,"

Bai Jue pointed towards the bathroom, directing Lin Dong.

"Okay," Lin Dong grabbed a clean set of clothes and quickly went into the bathroom.

Once he was in the bathroom, Bai Jue's face outside finally stopped being so red.

But suddenly, she remembered something.

"Oh no, I forgot about that thing... It's still in the bathroom," she thought, and with a clatter, she suddenly opened the bathroom door.

Lin Dong got startled, covering himself with a towel.

"Sister Bai Jue, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Cough cough..." Bai Jue's face turned even redder, she quickly went in and grabbed something from the wall niche in the bathroom.

Lin Dong was puzzled, "Sister Bai Jue, what are you holding in your hand?"

"Just take your bath, kids shouldn't ask so many questions," she replied.

Lin Dong was speechless, "Sister Bai Jue, I'm twenty already, not a kid."

Bai Jue sneaked a glance and secretly said to herself, "Certainly not small."

She was startled momentarily, her mind racing with thoughts.

Coming back to reality, even her neck was blushing.

"Tsk..." She chastised herself. This was her husband's clan brother. Sigh, it seemed it really had been too long...

She dared not look at Lin Dong anymore and quickly left the bathroom.

Lin Dong scratched his head, feeling somewhat parched and dry.

Haven't eaten pork before but never seen pigs run?

He had seen those 'romance movies' before; he knew what that thing was...

Only he hadn't expected, Sister Bai Jue, to have something like that in the bathroom...

Seems Brother Jian was not just addicted to betting but probably neglected Sister Bai Jue as well...

Shaking his head, Lin Dong stopped his wandering thoughts and quickly stood under the showerhead.

After drenching himself with cold water, he finally washed away the restlessness inside.

After the bath, he stepped out of the bathroom and upon entering the bedroom, found that Sister Bai Jue had already fallen asleep on one of the beds in the room.

As she slept, her fair-skinned face was knitted with worry, clearly troubled even in her dreams.

From time to time she'd mumble in her sleep, "Stop pressuring me, or I'll really kill myself…"

Tears glistened and slipped from the corners of her eyes during her slumber talk.

Lin Dong felt a pang of heartache watching her. Such a wonderful Sister Bai Jue, yet Lin Jian, that beast, didn't know how to cherish her.

He clenched his fists, determined to start earning money tomorrow.

He had learned many medical arts and various formulas of traditional Chinese medicine, so making money was not difficult for him.


Early the next morning, when Lin Dong woke up, he saw Bai Jue dressed in a nurse uniform.

Her regular job was as a nurse at Jianghai Renmin's Hospital.

"Dongzi, I'm going to work, wait for me to come back home," Bai Jue said before leaving.

"Okay, Sister Bai Jue, I'm going to take a stroll later. Then I'll call home to let them know I'm alright," Lin Dong responded.

Call home?

Hearing this, Bai Jue hurried over and cautioned him with a hint of guilt:

"Dongzi, when you call home, don't mention anything about what happened with Sister Bai Jue last night."

"You must promise me, wait for me to come back in the evening."

Lin Dong's face flushed, thinking of what happened last night in the alley…

His heart couldn't help but race.

"Okay, just remember. Sister Bai Jue will be late for work, I have to hurry…" Finished speaking, she rushed off.

After she had left, Lin Dong took a deep breath.

He needed to earn money, living expenses, and also to redeem Sister Bai Jue's five hundred thousand!

In addition, after reaching the third level of the Nine Shift Longevity Technique, he would need a large amount of aged herbs, all requiring a significant amount of money.

These were also key reasons for him entering society.

He left the house with a nylon bag in his hand.

Inside it were traditional Chinese medicine formulas he had brewed from herbs collected from the mountains.

These formulas could cure hundreds of illnesses!

Once he stepped outside, he found a busy street corner to set up his stall and sell the medicine.

"Family formulas, can cure hundreds of diseases!"

His stall attracted quite a crowd.

However, everyone was pointing fingers and whispering.

"In this day and age, there are still such blatant scammers!"

"Look at him, he's young and handsome. He could easily live off someone else, yet chooses to be a scammer. What's he thinking?"

"Society is really degenerating, all kinds of demons and monsters are appearing."


Facing everyone's ridicule, Lin Dong explained, "My medicine can really cure hundreds of diseases. If you don't believe it, you can try it for free first."

"Who would want to try? Who knows if it will kill us after taking it!"

"Yeah, how do we know your medicine isn't poisonous?"

Lin Dong felt helpless, realizing that people in the city didn't have much faith in traditional Chinese medicine.

At this moment, a mature and attractive woman entered the crowd.

This woman, around twenty-five or twenty-six years old, was one meter seventy-five tall.

She wore a hip-hugging skirt and a pair of red high-heeled shoes, highlighting her one meter and ten centimeters of slender, fair legs.

She wore a white blouse on top, which could barely contain her ample bosom.

Her hair was styled in big waves, and she wore glasses.

She was the picture of lust and intellect.

A woman like her walking down the street drew eyes from everyone.

At that moment, all eyes turned to her.

Some people recognized her.

"That's President Liu Qingcheng from the cosmetics company across the street, Qingcheng International…"

"That woman is too seductive. If I could spend one night with her, I'd willingly give up ten years of my life,"

"She's walking towards that scammer. Could it be that seeing him handsome, she wants to support him?"