Chapter 11 Let Her Go

Leading the group, Brother Snake sized up Bai Jue, instantly ignited with lustful flames.

"Not bad, your wife is really pretty. She looks damn teasing in that nurse uniform," he said with a lecherous grin.

Lin Jian followed with a nod and a bow:

"Brother Snake, I'll mortgage her to you to repay your gambling debts, okay?"

Brother Snake chuckled, but didn't say whether it was okay or not.

Instead, he rose and walked towards Bai Jue.

Bai Jue's face turned deathly pale, her body trembling with fear as she backed away.

"Don't, don't come over," she said in terror.

"Huh huh, beauty, your husband has already mortgaged you to me. For now, I'll collect some interest," he said.

As he spoke, Brother Snake reached out to grab Bai Jue.

Bai Jue tried to run, but she was blocked by a wall; there was no escape.

Brother Snake grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the bedroom.

Bai Jue screamed frantically, "Let me go, please let me go."

"No, no..."

However, Brother Snake was indifferent to her pleas.

"Lin Jian, save me!" She placed her last hope on Lin Jian.

Hoping he would save her for the sake of their marriage.

But what she got in return was Lin Jian's shameless response:

"Stop resisting, Brother Snake will make you feel good..."

Hearing this, Bai Jue's tears poured out, her heart utterly broken.

"Hahaha, Lin Jian, you're really a bitch. But, Brother Snake likes it," Brother Snake laughed hysterically.

After dragging Bai Jue into the bedroom, he pushed her onto the bed with force.

"Don't..." Bai Jue shrank back on the bed.

Brother Snake didn't move right away but turned his head and yelled out to Lin Jian:

"Lin Jian, come, be our photographer!"

Lin Jian scrambled up from the ground like a lapdog and ran in, phone in hand.

"Brother Snake, I...I'll help you guys take pictures. Hope you let me off the hook!" he said obsequiously.

"Hahaha. Alright, Lin Jian. Considering you're so obedient, you can mortgage half of your debt with your wife. After me and the brothers have had our fun, I'll have her work in my dancehall to pay off your remaining debts," said Brother Snake.

With that, Brother Snake took off his jacket, revealing his muscular torso.

All over his chest and back were tattoos of pythons, with their mouths spitting out forked tongues, looking terribly menacing.

At the moment, he slowly closed in on Bai Jue...

Bai Jue kept retreating on the bed until she reached the headboard. There was a table beside her, with a fruit knife on it.

"Beauty, I'm coming for you!" Brother Snake pounced towards Bai Jue.

In a flash, Bai Jue grabbed the fruit knife next to her and slashed in front of her, screaming!

"Ah..." With that slash, she also hit Brother Snake's face.

Instantly, a gash appeared on his face, streaming with crimson fresh blood.

"Fuck, you bitch. Asking for death!" Brother Snake turned furiously angry and slapped her across the face.

Then he shouted out to his brothers: "Everyone, come in and get her for dad."

"Today, I will make sure she dies!"

Thud thud thud~~~

Instantly, seven big men rushed in.

Although Bai Jue had a fruit knife in hand, it was no match for seven or eight big men.

Before long, the fruit knife was snatched from her hand.

And she was grabbed by two big men!

Brother Snake wiped the fresh blood from his face, angrily saying, "Bitch, dare to injure me!"

"Today, all eight of us brothers will kill you!"

"Brothers, let's get her..."

Hearing this, the other men's faces showed lecherous expressions.

Everyone closed in on Bai Jue.

Bai Jue closed her eyes in despair, tears streaming, "Who will save me..."

"Bang!!" Just as Brother Snake's eight men were about to gang up on Bai Jue, the door was kicked open from outside.

Afterward, a figure rushed in.

It was Lin Dong, who had just left and now returned.

At the door, he had heard Sister Bai Jue's desperate screams, and without any hesitation, burst in.

When he came in and saw the scene before him, he clenched his teeth in rage.

"Lin Jian, you're the disgrace of men!" Lin Dong first cast a cold glance at his cousin, barked out a comment.

Then he turned to Brother Snake and the other eight, murmuring, "You guys...seeking death!"

Faced with Lin Dong's sudden appearance, Brother Snake and the others were first stunned, and then impatiently said:

"Who are you? I advise you not to meddle! Otherwise, we'll break your legs."

Bai Jue also saw Lin Dong, and at first her face lit up with joy. But soon, it turned to worry.

"Dongzi, run away!" Although she wanted Lin Dong to help her, there were eight big men on the other side.

If Lin Dong really intervened, not only would he not be able to save her, but he would also be beaten up by the eight men.

She didn't want to see Lin Dong get hurt.

Lin Jian also sneered, saying, "You call me not a man, but if you are, why don't you save your Sister Bai Jue from Brother Snake and the others?"

Lin Dong completely disregarded his cousin.

With a scornful glance, he ignored him.

He turned to the eight men, warning, "Let go of my Sister Bai Jue, or I'll make you regret being born into this world..."