Chapter 69 Dancing

Faced with Li Qingcheng's invitation, which man in the world would not be willing?

However, Lin Dong also knew that Li Qingcheng was flirting with him.

Surely, while Lin Dong hesitated, Li Qingcheng had already entered the bathroom, and soon the sound of splashing water could be heard from inside.

Through the frosted glass of the bathroom, he could see a hazy, graceful silhouette showering.

Lin Dong couldn't help but rein in his thoughts, wondering if he agreed, could he really join her?

The more he thought about it, the drier his mouth became, and he quickly circulated the Nine Shifts Longevity secret to suppress the thoughts in his body.

The third stage of the Nine Shifts Longevity was in a special period, where one had not only to unlock the Seven Orifices but also maintain celibacy.

It was particularly susceptible to women's temptation, but once one really let go of their resolve, it would become much harder to make progress later.