Chapter 377 Prejudice

Our family is good enough with just Lin Dong.

When Qiao Bing said this, Chu Yunxiu's body stiffened, unable to hold back any longer.

"Little Bing, I told you to reduce contact with Lin Dong, but you just wouldn't listen. Now you've even learned to brag like he does, huh? And not just that, you're bragging to others about him. I really can't understand you."

"To say that Lin Dong alone is enough, enough my ass. What is he even worth? Just on account of his so-called medical arts?"

Qiao Bing replied, "Mom, don't look down on Lin Dong's medical abilities, they're actually quite good. Back when he was in the provincial city, he even..."

"Stop telling me those nonsense stories, and don't you blow his trumpet for him! All this talk of his medical skills, boasting to the skies, can't change the fact that he's a high school grad and a barefoot doctor."