Chapter 442: You're Not Worthy of My Help

Today, Chu Lan was wearing a pink miniskirt with a tank top and even had on fishnet stockings, her getup screamed 'provocative'.

She was also made up like an online celebrity and had spritzed on perfume.

Before she even approached Lin Dong, he could smell the pungent scent of her perfume.

This made Lin Dong frown even deeper.

"Lin Dong, your older cousin has been waiting for you for half an hour. You really should tell off these gatekeepers, I've said I'm your cousin, but they simply wouldn't let me in. I don't have your phone number, so I could only wait for you here."

Chu Lan pointed at the gatekeeper guarding the door of the villa, speaking with dissatisfaction.

Lin Dong asked sternly, "What do you really want from me?"

"Hey, isn't it just to ask for a little favor? I want you to hype me up so I become a sensation across the whole network," said Chu Lan with a smile.