Chapter 681: Am I Qualified?

Lin Dong helped him up, saying hurriedly, "County Chief Hu is being too polite."

At this scene, the crowd was once again astounded.

"This kid Lin Dong has really made something of himself! Not only has he become a billionaire, but he's also become a Divine Doctor."

"His medical arts are truly divine, just a few needles for County Chief Hu's father, and the man was brimming with life immediately!"

"Da Fei is finished this time, with County Chief Hu backing Lin Dong. What are his brothers-in-law compared to that, huh!"

"Indeed, Da Fei has been up to no good for so many years in our village, and nobody has been able to deal with him. He's definitely hit an iron plate this time."


At this time, these villagers were no longer worried about Lin Dong.

In their eyes, with County Chief Hu backing Lin Dong, Da Fei was nothing to fear.