Chapter 713: Are You Trying to Woo Me, Right?

Lin Dong left the hotel, and by this time it was already midnight.

He was walking back home.

Passing by a bar, he encountered a familiar face.

That person was none other than Gao Feifei, the daughter of the couple who had been kind to him years ago.

He saw that Gao Feifei was quite drunk, staggering out of the bar, followed sneakily by a few young hooligans with dyed hair.

Lin Dong didn't have a very good impression of Gao Feifei, but she was the daughter of the couple who had once helped him, so he felt he couldn't just ignore the situation.

So, he followed quietly, too.

Gao Feifei staggered towards the side of the street. At midnight, the street was almost deserted.

"Pfft~~" She made it to a trash bin and vomited violently.

"Damn, those bastards are inhuman. They kept making me drink; being a dancing girl is so exhausting."