No Servant Left Behind.

[AN: I compiled the next 4 four chapters from Wattpad, so this chapter is longer than usual. After this, I will upload it every Friday. Sorry for the long wait. If there are any mistakes, I will correct them later. The next chapter will be up to par.]




Malzeno's eyes were fixated on the large shield that was used as a conduit to summon Servants. It was a nifty piece of metal, and Malzeno desired to bite it, but he kept himself in check. 

"Who would answer Ritsuka's call?"

That was the question floating in everyone's mind at the moment. They knew firsthand how good and terrible a Heroic Spirit can be. It's the main reason Malzeno was standing guard beside Ritsuka. 

"Are you ready? We'll begin the summoning." 

With a sigh, Ritsuka closed her eyes tightly. A wave of nervousness and anxiety washed over her as she began to pray for someone like Malzeno, someone who could help him and, most of all, someone who would aid them no matter the cost. Good or bad, Ritsuka didn't care at this moment. 

Then it happened: a strong surge leaked from the confines of the shield, putting Malzeno on high alert as he shielded her from the gust of wind that whipped around the summoning room. 


The sound of metal entered everyone's ears, followed by the sound of crackling fire. 

"...Servant Avenger, Jeanne D'Arc. I answered to your summoning."

"EH! ITS HER!" Roman, who was sitting in a room up top, shouted in disbelief. 

"Oh! I didn't expect to be here so soon," Jeanne or Jalter, for simplicity's sake, said with an evil smile on her face. 

"Jeanne..." Ritsuka felt conflicted; a huge part of her wished to summon the Jeanne they were with, but it seemed fate had other plans. 

"The Dragon Witch, huh?" Malzeno didn't look worried about this, making the not-so-optimistic Roman wither in his seat. 

"You..." Jalter had a bone to pick with Malzeno but realized it was pointless; she'll hold it off for now. 

"We have enough juice for another Servant or two," Roman mustered up the courage to speak.

"Alright!" Ritsuka managed to say with some confidence, even though the Dragon Witch was their enemy before, it was water under the bridge now. 

"Summoning another one? How greedy."

"The more, the merrier," Malzeno answered. "So you do remember us?"

"Of course I do. I still have to repay my debt to you, as much as I hate to admit it."

Malzeno could tell the young maiden was being hard on herself, even after her "death." She feels the need to repay them, or more specifically, him. It was unwarranted, the debt was fulfilled already.

"Don't worry about it. The fact you answered us was enough to pay it back. For now, we're comrades."


Jalter struggled to come to terms with such a word, even though she was created by Gilles, the memories, the hatred, and was all too real. She rather not be comrades, but when it came to Malzeno, it felt genuine. 

"I'm beginning!" Ritsuka powered up the summoning once again. 

Like before, the shield began to generate a powerful force. Blue lights flickered along the white lines. The power died down with heavy turbulence, revealing a feminine figure in pitch-black armor.

"NOT AGAIN!" Roman fell in his chair, fainting after seeing who was summoned. 

Malzeno raised a brow at the armored female. His curiosity piqued as he felt the presence of a dragon. 

"Fascinating to be summoned by the one who bested me in battle. As such, you're my Master. This fallen blade is yours."

"Tch!" Jalter clicked her tongue. 

"Hmph, I see you have made quite an interesting lineup, last Master of Humanity."

Malzeno, none the wiser, just popped a screw in his mouth and began to eat. This was seen by everyone, who just gave him an incredulous look. 

"Did I do something wrong?"

""Yes,""Jalter and Artoria responded at once.

"Umm," Mash didn't know where to begin. 

"Is it the clothes?" 

""No"" Again, Jalter and Artoria said simultaneously. 

"You look good, Malzeno," Ritsuka gave a thumbs up for encouragement, which Malzeno returned.




Later in the briefing area, Ritsuka, Mash, Malzeno, Jalter, and Artoria waited for Roman to regain his bearings after almost dying twice due to the altered Servants being summoned.

"I am aware of the Grand Order. I do not need to be briefed," Artoria spoke bluntly, with a unique blankness to her tone. 

"Tch, now she thinks she's high and mighty," Jalter grumbled as she sat across from the fallen King Of Knights. 

"Of course, unlike someone who proclaimed herself Dragon Witch, I was a King."

"Uh-..." Roman began to speak, but the glares from Jalter and Artoria zipped his lips. 

Malzeno, for one, rubbed his chin, not seeing the problem the two alters could have. However, when his crimson eyes gazed over to Artoria, his pupils seemed to shrink. He didn't know why, but he quickly fought the urge to...protect.

"Anyway," Roman coughed. "I'm sure both of you are aware, but you're not aware of Malzeno's existence here in our world." 

"Hmm," Artoria was curious about that, and her pale eyes finally turned to Malzeno. "A Pseudo Servant?"

"I didn't notice before, but you do resemble the Archer from Singularity F, except with the red markings under your eyes." 

"Yes, I'm inhabiting a vessel; I believe Gaia chose this body, so until this "Grand Order" is finished, I will ensure I give it back unscathed."

"The actual Gaia?" Artoria interest was now piqued. 

"Correct," Malzeno said with a nod. "I'm from a world completely different from this one. I'm an Elder Dragon."

"Yes, I can certainly feel the Draconic nature flowing through you, but to claim yourself as an Elder Dragon, though I am unfamiliar with it, still isn't enough for me to think highly of you." 

"Oh? So you want to fight?" Malzeno felt an inexplicable urge to fight. His silted pupils sharpened as they stared at Artoria's pale yellow eyes. 

"What better way to see who's the strongest," Jalter clapped, her excitement also showing through her wicked smile. 

Roman just watched everything with a tired gaze as he slumped in the chair. 

"We're doomed."




Due to the technology in Chaldea, a stimulator for training was built prior. This was to test the powers of Servants and the like. However, at this moment, it was used for the fight between Malzeno and Artoria Pendragon, known in life as King Arthur. 

Yet, this particular King Arthur was an alter, like Jalter. Standing on the sidelines were Ritsuka, Mash, and Jalter. 

On the battlefield, surrounded by lush green fields and faraway mountains. Malzeno stood a few feet away from Artoria. In his hands was his own set of dual blades. 

"All right," Roman's voice echoed. "You guys can go all out here, but try not to kill each other."


"It depends," Artoria spoke. "For some reason, Excalibur is shaking with excitement. I hope you can prove a worthy adversary."

"Haha! One thing I won't understand is women. Now, let's enjoy this fight."

With a potent [Mana burst], Artoria sped across the battlefield. Malzeno stood in place before bringing up his weapon to block Artoria's swing. His legs remained steady under the pressure, but the same couldn't be said for his dual blades, as they shattered immediately. 

Malzeno spun around, conjuring more dual blades. Artoria's sword clashed with the new set of dual blades in a ruthless metal rhythm. Her attacks were parried, but the same could be said for Malzeno. The two were testing the waters, learning how the other fought. 

Yet, Artoria was reminded of something from the Singularity. It was how Malzeno fought with two married pairs of blades. It was reminiscent of the Archer who acted as her "guardian." 

Could Malzeno be affected by Archer's thoughts? It was unlikely, but their fighting style was almost identical. 

Malzeno jumped back and ran into the forest that was inside the stimulator. Artoria was baffled by this and slightly irked.


Artoria rushed with a mad dash after Malzeno into the forest, but as she went a bit inside, a swishing and cutting sound reverberated like beating drums. Due to Artoria's instincts, she could perceive the incoming dual blades and counter in the same sequence.

With a leap, Artoria twirled in the air with the grace of a ballet. However, the spinning dual blades came around for another slice, cutting down the trees as they did so. 

"Tch," Artoria clicked her teeth as she decided to raise her blackened sword, collecting a multitude of black and red energy before bringing it down in the area. 

The devastating blast blew the trees away, causing the ground to quake and the air to howl ferociously. Dust and debris flew everywhere as a result. 

Artoria gripped Excalibur with one hand, her pale eyes reflecting a brilliant shine amid the dust. Her eyes locked with a pair of red orbs before something sliced through the air. 

Artoria's eyes widened, and her instincts kicked in yet again; gripping her sword with both hands this time, she managed to block an incoming spear-like arrow. Her armored boots dug into the ground, and her teeth began to grit under the force of the attack. 

"ENOUGH!" Artoria's howl of defiance cleared the dust immediately.

"You're strong, little dragon." 

"Mere words won't bother me!" Artoria called out. 

Feeling a rustle behind her, Artoria reacted with a spin, her sword slashing the air, only to miss her target as Malzeno bent his body back. 

Raising his leg, Malzeno kicked the ground to fly back, but Artoria was on his tail as she kept pace. The battle entered a phase of tumultuous speed, with Artoria keeping pace with Malzeno, but that was short-lived as he spun on his heel and Roundhouse kicked Artoria in the chin. 

The attack rattled Artoria's head for a moment before a quick shake allowed her to escape her slight discomfort and vertigo. A scowl stretched onto her face as she began to find Malzeno annoying. 

Malzeno stood unfazed by Artoria's sharp glare. His body remained still, but his silver hair bristled as the winds rose. This fight was enjoyable but far from over, evidently by Artoria's battle-ready stance.

The pair of dual blades was resting in Malzeno's hands, which seemed to be Malzeno's weapon of choice as he spun them around. 

The battle continued with both fighters moving forward at breakneck speeds. Excalibur clashed with the married dual blades in a masterful display of skill and perseverance. Malzeno attempted to strike from different angles, but all were met with a resiliency that defied his expectations. 

Artoria was surprised by Malzeno's performance, expecting him to be hindered by the body he's using as a host. Additionally, his fighting style was augmented by Archer's, allowing for a unique set of attacks. 

However, Artoria wouldn't let Malzeno be satisfied with winning; her fiery fighting style and brutal yet elegant swings were carried amongst her strikes. Malzeno's defense was shattered as Artoria landed her first successful attack, a horizontal slash that ripped through his compression shirt, leaving a partial amount of his upper body exposed. 

However, Malzeno didn't let that stop him as his left blade sliced the air with clean precision, cutting off a piece of Artoria's armor. The duo continued their attacks, both of them disregarding the benefit of dodging. 

Mad grins formed on both Malzeno's and Artoria's faces as they jumped away from each other. 

"I was...hasty in my statement about you, Malzeno. You're indeed a capable adversary." 

"Oh? I appreciate the praise."

Malzeno led the charge this time. His agility shocked the onlookers, including Artoria. A heavy gust of wind slammed against her. She remained stalwart; however, the feeling of someone behind her caused the hair on her neck to bristle. 

"Underestimating me was not a good idea, King Of Knights. Tell me, were you able to keep up with my speed?" 

Standing back-to-back with Artoria, the fighters stood facing opposite directions. 

"I won't yield. We shall finish this match!" 

Their next actions became a blur. 




Malzeno's movements were unseeable, on par with lightning, or perhaps light itself! It was hard for Artoria to keep up with dodging an army of arrows and batting away lances. 

Artoria's eyes moved with a focused fervor, and her body relaxed as she increased her hearing. Despite his incredible speed, Malzeno needed to stop briefly before he took a shot. Artoria was going to use that chance to strike. 


There it was! 

With a shout, Artoria sent a blast of black and red energy at Malzeno's position. The latter was caught by surprise, and in desperation, he created a large, adamantine shield around the same size as Mash's.

Malzeno began to grit his teeth as the energy pushed him back. Despite his shield holding back the intense pressure, he still found it hard to block the attack. His shield began to wear down before the energy seemed to be put to an abrupt end.

The shield dispersed into small particles, but Malzeno couldn't sit around and twiddle his thumbs as he summoned a prestigious, white spear with a red gem near the top. 


Malzeno spun the spear to his back, blocking the incoming lethal attack that Artoria sent his way. Malzeno released his grip from his spear and jumped away. 

Artoria clicked her teeth as Malzeno continued to keep his distance from her. He was a competent foe she swore to defeat at any cost. This was not because she found him annoying anymore, but to assert herself as the top Dragon. Or perhaps it was something else. 

Malzeno opened his clenched hands and created his two blades. Spinning them in both hands, a sense of familiarity began to course through his body, like a chill that happens when you're standing around distantly. 

"I'll stop holding back."

Throwing the two blades at Artoria at blinding speeds, Malzeno's arm began to crack as it formed deep black scales. His crimson irises shrunk to sharp silts, with scales forming around his eyes. His hair bristled as it stood upright. 

Malzeno seemed to teleport in a devastating blur as he appeared in front of the shocked Artoria, who took a panicked turn. However, her abdomen was cut with deadly precision. 

Malzeno lowered his body and cut Artoria in her tendons before spin kicking her in the gut, sending her crashing into a few trees. 

"W-what?" Ritsuka blinked, her attention turned to her right to see Jalter with her arms crossed.

"Can't keep up, eh, Master?" Jalter seemed to know what was on Ritsuka's mind. 

"I saw his speed firsthand, but this time he seemed faster." 

"I concur with Senpai, it looked like Malzeno teleported. If I blinked, I surely would've missed it." 

"The pinky is right."

"M-my hair is lavender..." Mash uttered meekly, turning her attention back to the fight at hand. 

Back with Malzeno, his silver hair billowed as a draft flew by, and his hands carefully gripped his blades as he walked through the damaged area. He kicked Artoria pretty hard, but he was sure she was fine. Well, maybe not her tendons, but she should've recovered by now.

Suddenly, Malzeno felt his body stiff as a magical surge erupted right before him. His instincts shouted at him to flee; it was something deeply rooted in his Monster Instincts, but he could tell this was different. 

As the dust cleared, only the deep color of black and red was seen, followed by a heavy gust of wind that threatened to tear apart the very structure of the stimulator itself! 

"Noble Phantasm?" Malzeno made a quick conjecture as he stared at the now-visible Artoria.

"I will end this right now."

"I see, then I'll respond in kind!" 

Malzeno cupped his hands before pulling them apart; three large clusters of red energy formed behind him, while in the palm of his hands was a similar cluster. 

The energy accumulated from both Servants shook the entire stimulator, creating a heavy backlash. 


The servants blinked as they heard Roman's panicked shout. Artoria seemed to grumble while Malzeno sighed. 




"Seriously, were you two going to kill each other?"

"I'm sure she was holding back," Malzeno waved his hands side to side to reassure Roman, but this only got an incredulous reaction from Artoria.

"You offend me. I wasn't holding back..." 

"See..." Malzeno crossed his arms in triumph before his crimson eyes widened. "Wait, you weren't?" 

"Of course, it's only right to go all out against someone worthy of it." 

"I suppose you're right. I had fun, but I do believe we almost destroyed that...stimulator."

"It isn't our fault it's not fortified."

"Yes, but..."

Roman just blinked at the two dragon servants with a shaky smile on his face. The two just met and seemed close, does fighting truly have such an effect on its participants? Roman chalked it up to being a dragon-related thing, considering they're more respectful to each other. 

"Hey doc, what else can the stimulators do?" Malzeno asked. 

"Huh? Oh, it's mainly used to test out things. We can also put scenarios to allow growth in certain areas. Why?"

"We will be doing training," Artoria bluntly replied, her eyes showing her seriousness. "His swordsmanship needs refinement."

"No, it doesn't; I just haven't used my tail."

"Oh? So you were holding back."

Suddenly feeling the air grow tense, Roman tried to alleviate the situation. "Um, guys, it's nothing serious."

"And I wasn't using my wings either. I believe my swordsmanship is quite acceptable." 

"'re not supposed to say that," Roman could feel the aura change around Artoria.

"Hmph, you owe me."

"Well...I can cook?" 

"That'll do. Are you familiar with burgers?"

"Yes, I received knowledge from this current era. Shall I check if the kitchen has the...burger?" 

"We do," Roman answered. "And I'm sure everyone is hungry anyway."




After a well-deserved meal, and after Artoria asked for over fifteen burgers, the group was prepared to summon again. There was enough energy to summon one more Servant. 

"Alright, Ritsuka, it's time to summon another Servant." 

"Are you sure?" Ritsuka was unsure, evident by her uncertain frown. 

"Positive. The FATE System charged up a bit of energy, so it'll be best to have one more Servant to be on standby should something happen." 

Ritsuka nodded, her hands twitching before she took in the merits of what Roman told her. She trusted her servants to handle anything, but her worries about Malzeno being unable to handle anything plagued her mind.

He was her first official servant, so her fears weren't misplaced. As if feeling her uncertainty, Malzeno placed a reassuring hand on her shoulders.

"No need to worry about me. I'll just have to get stronger." 

"R-right...thanks, Malzeno."

Malzeno nodded as he beamed at her. He said what needed to be said, and it was nothing but the truth. Monsters can grow stronger as they age, as apparent with species like Lucent Nargacuga, who can blend with moonlight. 

"Of course, now, let's see who else will join us on this journey."

With her nervousness fading, Ritsuka began the FATE System once again. It's light was blinding, as was beautiful. As it died out, a masculine figure wearing blue tights with metallic silver pauldrons. A red spear was in their hands. 

Red eyes met a similar shade before looking down toward the Master. 

"Oh! It's you guys. For some reason, I remember the ordeal we went through. Good to see ya again, lass,"

"Ireland's Child Of Light, Cu Chulainn," Artoria said, getting Cu's attention. 

"Aye, we meet again, eh," Cu's eyes landed on Malzeno, and a brief scowl left his lips. "Damn, you even summoned that bastard Archer?"

"Oh, about that," Ritsuka began with a big smile. "That's not the same Archer, that's Ruler, his true is Malzeno. He's using Archer's body as a vessel."

Cu closed his eyes for a moment before signing. "Oh? Ruler, eh? I don't know much about that class. You're strong. I can feel it."

"Does everybody have a problem in some form with this vessel?"

"He's a bastard," Was Cu's reply.

"I rather not speak," Artoria said with her eyes closed. 

"Well, it's whatever. I'll properly introduce myself. Servant Lancer, Cu Chulainn, at your service!" 




"So this guy is a real Dragon? And he comes from a different world?"

"That's what they say."

Sitting in the lounging area for servants, Cu Chulainn and Artoria spoke about Malzeno; the Demi-God's curiosity about the Ruler was written all over his face. 

"It is true. I come from a different world. If your history is anything to go by, I believe you'd enjoy yourself fighting against the monsters there."

"Oh? Well, you got my interest hooked. Which monster would give me a good fight?"

"A lot, but one I believe you'd enjoy fighting is Velkhana, an Elder Dragon like myself, and Glavenus for the King here."


"Ah, yes, I should explain these two. Glavenus has a tail that is shaped like a fine sword. A version of it was said to cut a mountain with a tail sweep."

"I would like to see this beast myself," Artoria muttered, although there was a challenging glint in her eyes. 

"As for Velkhana, they use their tail like spears. As for me, I use my wings like swords and my tail like a spear as well."

"Haha! As much I would like to fight ya, I doubt the young lass would want me to. You seem to be her favorite thus far."

"Yes, Ritsuka does favor me quite a bit. She's just worried that I would get injured since I and the King here fought not too long ago."

"I see. And from the looks of it, it seemed to stop at a standstill?"

Malzeno nodded. "Yes, the stimulator is undergoing management to withstand our Noble Phantasms."

"Once that's done, how about we fight? You're good with a spear, too, right?"

Malzeno saw the challenging glint in Cu's ruby-like eyes. A grin slowly made its way onto Malzeno's face. 

"I'd say I'm adequate enough."

"Sit down, you two," Artoria was the first to notice both Cu and Malzeno standing, causing them to chuckle nervously.

""Sorry"" Malzeno and Cu said simultaneously. 

"I think we'll get along, Ruler."

"Likewise, Lancer."




Walking down the monotone white halls of Chaldea, Malzeno searched for his current person of interest. As he walked for another minute, he reached the kitchen area, finding Mash to be inside. 

"There you are, Young Knight! It looks to me like you tried to avoid my presence."

Mash seemed to glitch as she turned around. In her hands were a pack of cookies and a glass of milk. 

"Oh...Good Afternoon, Malzeno."

"Heh, everyone has their quirks," Malzeno said as his crimson eyes glossed over Mash's hands. 

"Would you like some? I don't think you tried cookies yet."

"I haven't, are they good?" 

"Hmmm, if I had to compare them, they would be the equivalent of eating ore?"

"Oh? You have my complete attention!" 

Sitting down on the table, Malzeno was handed a bag of cookies and a glass of milk. As he inspected the contents before him, he could smell the sweetness of the cookies. That was mostly due to his keen sense of smell. 

Carefully taking a cookie, Malzeno looked at Mash, who smiled. 

"Dip it in the milk, and you'll see how it tastes different." 

Nodding, Malzeno continued to do as instructed. After eating the dipped cookie whole, Malzeno chewed slowly, letting the sweet, delicious cookie attack his tastebuds. His eyes seemed to cloud, and his mouth stopped chewing.

"Umm, Malzeno?" 




Malzeno's voice echoed throughout the kitchen area; his eyes looked at Mash, a silent plea to have more, to which Mash nodded. 

"I also have something else to tell you," Malzeno said after eating another cookie.

"What is it you wish to speak about?" 

"How would you like to train with me? I can tell you're feeling left behind, and I don't want you to feel unwelcome. I'm merely a guest."

Mash remained silent as she took in Malzeno's suggestion. She wasn't expecting to hear it, but it made her...happy. Why did she feel like that? It was a weird, foreign feeling. She couldn't explain it. 


"Don't rush your words, Young Knight. Everyone has a pace they should follow. If you envy how fast others progress, you've already failed."

Malzeno continued to eat his cookies in silence as he let the words spoken to Mash settle in. It was not his place to rush her response. That was the key to understanding patience. 




Jalter tapped her fingers as she walked down the corridors of her new "home." This was once her enemy's base, but now her new base of operations. It was a sick twist of irony, one she absolutely detested. But it was definitely better than France. 

Despite being made by a madman, she was told that her own actions make up her person, not her name. It was for that reason she felt indebted to the Chaldeans. She was a handful, but that came with summoning her. 

"Thanks, Malzeno, I think...I will join you in your training."

Jalter stopped moving as she heard those words. Taking a cautious breath, Jalter looked through the door to see Malzeno and Mash talking, with bits of laughter in the mix. It was something Jalter didn't expect to see. 

A feeling crept its way into her before she knew it. She was grumbling with dissatisfaction. 

"Oh, there you go! Come join us!" 

"Eh!" Jalter scrambled to fix herself, not wanting to be seen eavesdropping on the conversation. "Why would I join you? You're not doing anything productive."

"No need to be...what was it called, a Tsundere?"


"I'm surprised you know what that meant, Malzeno," Mash said with surprise. 


"You're acting like it right now?" Malzeno responded with a light smile, one that Jalter wanted to rip off! 

"Tch, f-fine, I'll join you."

That's right, no servants left behind.