To The Vast Sea

[AN: Since I'm going by the Manga, I'll skip Septem. Sorry Nero Fans.]




After handling things in the Rome Singularity, it was finally time to approach the third singularity. Still, the group took a much-needed reprieve to regain their strength. 


"Anyone want to explain why Kiyohime is here?" Ritsuka, who was up early due to the person in question, said with a tired voice, eyes sunken from a lack of sleep. 

Roman shook his head as he drank some juice. "In the first singularity, you two linked pinky fingers; it may have been a secret way to make a contract. Anyway, this 30-year-old bachelor has no clue!"

Roman continued. "Don't worry, Kiyohime is our ally; Leonardo made a thorough check." 

"If you say so," Ritsuka breathed a small sigh of relief. "Although she seems very...different."

Kiyohime froze, a stiff smile appearing on her face. "It's...because..."

"Malzeno is keeping her in check. Supposedly, one of his skills makes most Dragons subservient, so she's not overly rambunctious." 

Ritsuka blinked before cupping her chin. "Really? That'll be useful for the battles ahead."

"Anyway, the next rayshift is ready," Roman pointed to the dot on the big screen. "As you can see, it's over the sea, set in 1573. There's been a major change to the geography."

"I see. Is it possible to rayshift there?"

"Of course. Rayshift technology is advancing day by day. At the very least, you shouldn't come out over the sea."




"Well, it technically wasn't above the sea. I didn't think you'd come out on top of the clouds, though." 

"If it wasn't for Malzeno transforming, I'm sure Senpai would've been drastically injured or even killed!" Mash shouted at Roman, who cringed in his seat. 

"Remind me to skewer the coward when we return!" 

The group for this Singularity was Malzeno, Mash, and Cu Chulainn. 

Kiyohime, Artoria, and Jalter remained behind. Artoria and Jalter were helpful in the Second Singularity and decided to be sub-members. Kiyohime had no choice but to stay behind as she was quite afraid of Malzeno. 

"I didn't mean any harm! Cut me some slack."

"You slack too much, Doctor," Malzeno shook his head with a frown. "But no matter, what's done is done."

"Ha...just be careful," Roman was thankful that Malzeno wasn't on his case too much. 

"We should get a grasp of the situation; there is no need to worry about what happened," Ritsuka said with a bright smile, seemingly unbothered by what had transpired not long ago. 

"We seem to be on an Island; I can sense life here," Malzeno sniffed the air, his senses reaching their peak to ensure everyone was safe. 

"Aye, I can feel it too," Cu added, his infamous spear Gae Bolg nowhere to be seen. 

"Look up there! The ring of light is here too," Mash got everyone's attention, the scene before them setting an ominous reminder of the mission they're embarking on. 

"Unfortunately, we still don't know what it is, so it's best we ignore it for now." 

"The doctor is right. Let's ignore that for now," Malzeno concurred with Roman's judgment. 

"Malzeno, do you think you can transform again?" Ritsuka asked the Ruler class servant with a hopeful tone. 

"I can. Why do you ask?"

"The air and ocean currents are a bit weird, and there's a jungle, too. It would benefit us if you could scout our surroundings to find any other piece of land."

"Yes, the only one responsible for this would have to be the one who currently possesses the Holy Grail," Mash interjected her thoughts on the matter.

"Yes, locate the grail and take it to restore order, right, Doctor?"

"That's correct, although I would hold off on Malzeno transforming. There could be enemies nearby."

"Got it."

"Who would most likely have the grail in this era?" 

"Hmm, the most famous in this age would be Francis Drake," Mash voiced with a serious tone. "He was the first man to navigate the world and survive. He was also known as El Draque, the devil of the sea."

"That's an unsettling name," Malzeno rubbed his chin, soaking in the information.

"Yes, he was a Pirate," Mash continued. "He was an official pirate of England, known as a Privateer. He dominated the seas, crushing Spain. He became known as the Unsinkable Sun." 

"He greatly contributed to England's prosperity as "the hero who sank the sun." 

"It makes me wonder if they have the Grail," Ritsuka said with bright eyes. 

"Look over here," Cu was near the cliffside, pointing down at a dock-like structure. A large wooden boat was seen docked. There were tons of people walking back and forth.





Many men in pirate gear threw their hands up in cheer at the docks, while others got rowdy and punched each other.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!" 

"The rum is gone, and the gunpowder!"

Standing a bit away, the Chaldeans all sweat dropped, minus Malzeno and Cu. 

"A lively bunch, eh?"

"Those are pirates for you, extremely barbaric," Mash grimaced. 

The sound of walking alerted Malzeno and Cu, who quickly brandished their weapons, two married blades, and Gae Bolg. 

"I'm not your enemy," The figure voiced as he foresaw everything about to go left field. "Are you perhaps looking for someone, Master and servants?"

"My class is Archer. You'd trust me if I told you my class, right?" The Archer winked at Ritsuka, which elicited a growl from Malzeno. 

"Still suspicious," Cu rested his spear on his shoulder, carefully gripping it in one hand. Cu was prepared to finish off Archer if push came to shove.

"Oh, I apologize if I do seem suspicious. If this helps, I'll help you get to the person in charge of this Island to extend a bit of trust."


"This is the only lead we got. Follow him." 

"I agree. I can always transform if a battle happens," Malzeno remained weary, but this was the chance to gather crucial information.

"Follow me," Archer turned around, leading the Chaldeans from the docks.




"I see, so you guys are Masters and Servants. Quite the appearance on you guys." 

"I feel offended somehow,". Malzeno and Cu thought at once. 

"Now, let's begin. What do ya' Star Watchers want from me?" 

"She knows?" Roman's voice was full of surprise. "If she's in charge of this Island in this unknown singularity, then that means this is no standard pirate."

"Miss Pirate, are you aware of what's happening?" Mash spoke for everyone, seeing as she's the go-to person for diplomatic times like this.

"Of course! I never seen waters like this before."

"We're here to correct this situation. Would you be willing to cooperate with us?"

Taking a swig from her drink, the pirate continued to smile. "Nope."

"I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying what's happening is abnormal. There is no other world this amusing," She continued, her lips curved into a euphoric smile. 

The female pirate took on a menacing appearance, which got Malzeno on alert. "We're going to loot and steal everything from this ocean. That's what it means to be a pirate."

"What! If we don't correct this, the entire world is doomed!" Ritsuka's words were met with a golden hue as three cannons were locked and loaded.

"You're annoying!" 

"Now, Young Knight!" Malzeno shouted.



The pirate took another swig of her rum. "You guys talk too much...oh? Not bad, you're tough."

"Nice call, Lad. I was scared for a moment."

"Those cannons came out of nowhere. Could she be a Servant?" 

"Now that's rude. I got legs, don't I? Don't treat everyone like ghosts."

"And to answer that, I'm 100% real, the name Francis Drake!"

"PFFT!" The Chaldeans spat comically.

"This is another case, huh?" Malzeno didn't know if it was fate, but it seemed he had to deal with another rambunctious woman.

"You're not a man!" Ritsuka's words caused a tick mark to appear on Drake's head.

"Get them, Archer."

"Aye, Captain!"


"Very well!"

Malzeno summoned his dual blades and spun them in his hands before he clashed with a wooden staff from Archer. The echoes of their weapons sounded like a gong at noon. 

"Oh?" Drake said with slight surprise.

"A Saber?" Archer jumped back while Malzeno stood in place.

"Not quite."

"I won't kill you, but the same can't be said for the Captain."

"It's entirely possible she possesses the Grail. Defeat her!"

"That goes without saying," Malzeno prepared himself again to fight against Captain Drake and Archer.

"The treasure that I found that Archer said was the Holy Grail? So you guys are also looking for treasure. This makes it easy!"

Drake continued as she prepared her matchlocks. Several cannons appeared her, with Archer at her side.

" Let's begin, whether victory or defeat. Let's make a show out of it!"


AN: And here's the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.