Secret's In School

The next day . . . 

It was a peaceful morning. The shy was blue, The clouds were a bright white and the birds were flying on this Monday morning. What was happing in Wrecked High School was teen's coming back from a relaxing weekend. This was no expectation for Lloyd, Marcus and Joseph. Lloyd was waking to school, ready to tell his friends what had happened to him. He knew he had powers. Superpowers even but he couldn't wrap his head around it. The fact that they were real was just something. He wasn't sure to be happy or scared. Would he have to hide his identity and fight crime or something? He wasn't all that sure. All he knew was that he needed to tell his friends. They all had a piece of the same burger so that same event could have happened but in a different way. Lloyd wanted to tell them this information and he wanted to do it as soon as he could. When Lloyd got to school, His friends were already there at the same table there usually at. Hey Lloyd said Marcus as Lloyd went to there table. Hey guys said Lloyd. What's up said Joseph. A lot said Lloyd. What so said Marcus. I found out something said Lloyd. Well spill the beans said Joseph. I think i may have . . . superpowers said Lloyd. WHAT Marcus and Joseph exclaimed. Last night when i was brushing my teeth, my toothbrush ran out of battery's but when i picked up the battery, i was able to charge it with just my hand said Lloyd. That's crazy talk said Marcus. Its true said Lloyd. That gives me an idea. What percentage is your phone. 68% said Joseph. Can i see it for a sec said Lloyd. Sure said Joseph as he handed his phone to Lloyd. Lloyd then held it in his hand for a few seconds and gave it back to Joseph. When Joseph checked the percentage, it was up to 69%. Hold the phone said Joseph. You do have superpowers. I told you said Lloyd. This is incredible said Marcus. How do you think you got them? After you guys had left and after we ate that patty said Lloyd. Wait a sec said Joseph. We all had a bite of that patty. Shouldn't we have superpowers by now? I got mine in an electrical situation said Lloyd. Maybe you guys need to get yours in a situation that would need your power? That would make a lot of sense said Marcus. But where would we do that said Joseph. I'm not sure said Lloyd. I kind of found mine by mistake so that kind of rules things out. Just then, The school bell rang. There's that annoying bell said Marcus. See you guys later said Lloyd as he headed off to his first period. On the way there however, Luke stopped him in his tracks. What do you want said Lloyd. I heard about something that you would want to hear said Luke. What could that possibly be said Lloyd. Do you know this person named: Lando said Luke. Funny you should say that said Lloyd. Well that is my dad's name said Luke. Oh you have to be fucking with me said Lloyd. No said Luke. You have to be fucking with ME! That women is the reason my father dumped my mother. He fell in love with your fat, ugly, lazy and stupid mom! And how is that my fault said Lloyd. I'm not answering that question dummy said Luke. No said Lloyd. Your the dumb one because you couldn't answer my question as Lloyd waked away. Luke stared into space for a moment while trying to come up with a comeback. By then, Lloyd was off to his class. You will pay for that said Luke. You sure will.