The Mystery Teacher

Lloyd got to his first period with a few minutes to spare. This was the only period where he didn't have any of his friends with so he was alone for this period. This time, a middle aged man with light grey hair, brown suit, a mustache, older shoes, bags under his eyes with a suitcase entered the room and put his suitcase on the teachers desk. Good morning class said the teacher. He then started to write his name on the board. My name is professor Crumbs and i will be your teacher for the rest of the year. Just then, a kid raised his hand. Yes said Crumbs. What happened to Mr. Martin said the kid. I don't know the full story and out of respect said Crumbs. Lets just say that he wasn't looking where he was going as Crumbs eyes were looking all over the room. Any who said Crumbs. Today we are going to start reading "The House On Mango Street". Did the pervious teacher give you the books? Yes he did said the class. Goodie said Crumbs. Now can anyone tell me what you notice on the cover? Lloyd raised his hand. Yes sir said Crumbs. Three lady's that look like there from Asia said Lloyd. Alright said Crumbs. That is a true fact. They do look like there making something as well. Making a better teacher is what there doing Lloyd said to himself. That is unacceptable sir said Crumbs. But said Lloyd. You will be getting a detention said Crumbs. It's just a cover said Lloyd. I don't care said Crumbs. As he was walking back to the front of the class, his pants fell down a little and the class saw it. Everyone in the class started to laugh nonstop. Crumbs noticed this and was not pleased. STOP IT shouted Crumbs. STOP THAT RUDE NOISE RIGHT NOW! STOP IT!! THAT'S IT. EVERYONE GETS A DETENTION. IS THAT FUNNY?? The class stopped laughing right that second. Boulder then continued on with the lesson but Lloyd was getting very suspicious of Crumbs during that lesson. He got this felling that he knew something was up but he couldn't prove anything. One of Lloyd's skills was scouting out the imposter. For his entire life, he could know if someone wasn't who they say they were or if someone was lying to him. Crumbs was setting off all the alarms in Lloyd's head just by the way he described what happened to there previous teacher. Mr. Martin was a very good teacher and he wasn't someone to just disappear without a trace. He knew something had to have happened to him but what was it. When class ended, Lloyd couldn't have been more happier. The time was break time so he went over to his friends. Hey Lloyd said Marcus. I think i hate first period how said Lloyd. Why said Joseph. We got a new teacher and i sense something is wrong with him said Lloyd. That Lloyd tingle said Marcus. Please don't call it Lloyd tingle said Lloyd. I may have superpowers but I'm not Spider-Man. Now when are we gonna get them said Marcus. I don't know said Joseph as he pulled out some hot pockets. You have hot pockets said Lloyd. Heck yes i do said Joseph. Correction, make that cold pockets. Then there no good anymore said Marcus as two lasers came out of his eyes and landed on the hot pockets. The lasers make the hot pockets hot and fresh again in an instant. What the heck said Lloyd and Joseph. What was that said Joseph. It's true said Marcus. I have superpowers. I was right said Lloyd. You can only get your power in a situation that needs your power. This is incredible said Marcus. We could be superheroes. But where's my power said Joseph. I don't know said Lloyd. What could it possibly be said Marcus. I don't know said Joseph. But i want to find out quickly. Very QUICKLY. Don't we all said Lloyd. Just then, the bell rang. That's the bell said Marcus. At least we have class together said Lloyd. The three then headed off to there next class.