Keep Your Friend's Close But Your Enemies Closer

So you two know each other said Lando. Not in a good way said Lloyd. So why is he here? Our house a few blocks down got a few uninvited critters and we had to evacuate said Lando. It was perfect timing anyway because i proposed a few days ago. What said Lloyd. Didn't i tell you said Jenny. The other day where i went out with Lando, he proposed and i said yes. Why wasn't i told about this said Lloyd. I wasn't told as well said Luke. We wanted to keep it a secret until the time was right said Lando. Oh come on said Lloyd. What he said Luke said. Also because of the moving in process for now said Jenny. You two will be sharing a room together. WHAT Lloyd and Luke cried out. We can't share a room said Lloyd. We hate each other so much said Luke. Well you have to live with it said Lando. Now go and unpack your things. Lloyd and Luke went up to Lloyd's room witch was now Lloyd and Luke's room now. This is an absolute disaster said Lloyd. for once we can agree on something said Luke. I guess we have to settle in now said Lloyd. Don't tell me what to do said Luke. Don't forget that i can spank that butt of yours's. Fine said Lloyd. Were just on the same side now so i was trying to be civil. Keep that nonsense to yourself said Luke. Fine said Lloyd. DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I HAVE BEEN THROUGH Luke shouted. Lloyd didn't say anything as he went to dust his furniture. Sorry sorry said Luke. What is up with you said Lloyd. Why have you been this way to me? I don't really want to tell you said Luke. Were living together now said Lloyd. Do you think that i would do something like that. You don't understand said Luke as he stormed out of the room. Well said Lloyd. That went well. For the rest of the day, Luke and Lloyd were not getting along at all. He was relived when Lucy came home as she found out as well. She wasn't the happiest about the news as well. She was able to keep her room and Lloyd was a little angered by this but was able to overlook it. Luke was mostly avoiding Lloyd, Lucy and everyone else. He wouldn't even look anyone in the eye for the rest of that night. The morning came and went as the three got ready for school. It was the same thing, just another day. Lloyd met up with his friends and told them what had happened. Oh dear god said Marcus. You were a good man said Joseph. I know said Lloyd. I worry about him though. Why would you said Marcus. He's done nothing but cause us years of tears. I know said Lloyd. I have a felling that he went though something that he's not ready to talk about. I just feel bead for him that way. I can understand to some level said Joseph. Just then, the school bell rang. Well i have to get to class said Lloyd. See ya said Marcus and Joseph as Lloyd walked away. Little did he know what he was getting himself into. Little did he know about the storm of chaos he was walking into . . .