Doom's Favorite Day

Good Moring class said Crumbs. Today is a very special day for this class. How is it special said a student. This is still school. Nothing is special here. Don't worry class said Crumbs. Today is the day where we test my newest invention. Stop stalling man said the same kid. Fine said Crumbs. This invention is what i call, The power charger 9000! This bad boy can give any powers to those it wants. And why are you showing this to us and not NASA Lloyd asked. You will see why said Crumbs as he turned on the machine. Lloyd was watching this and thought of something. How he and his friends got there powers was because of something that had to do with there power. This won't work though. The power charger was gonna be a failure. Just then, A student was drinking some water from his water bottle when the power charger's electricity went a little extra. this caused the student to drop there water bottle and the extra water touched the machine. This was the breaking point as the power charger caught Crumbs in all of this and zapped him. YES exclaimed Crumbs. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR MY WHOLE LIFE!!! What is going on said the class. I knew it said Lloyd. The teacher is a lunatic! We need to get out of here now! The power charger then transformed Crumbs into a superpowered version of himself. nOt So FaSt ThErE lItTlE cHIrLdEn. I have been waiting my whole life for this moment and your not gonna let it get away so fast said Crumbs. As Crumbs was giving this speech, Lloyd noticed that the door was open by just a crack. He was able to get past Crumbs and to the door. As he opened the door, he forgot that the doors at Wrecked High School were very squeaky and that sound reached Crumbs. I lOvE iT wHeN tHeY tHiNk ThEy CaN rUn said Crumbs. Lloyd ran out of the door just as Crumbs tour down the class wall. CoMe BaCk HeRe said Crumbs. YoUr ThE oNe I rEaLlY wAnT!! Not by a long shot said Lloyd as he continued to run. By then, word reached the entire school about Crumbs and were running out of the school. Lloyd was able to catch up to Marcus and Joseph as he told them what was going on. Wow said Joseph. Finally something interesting is happening at school. Yeah said Marcus. We don't get to die of boredom but by a teacher, On second thought, There the same thing. There's no time said Lloyd. We need to stop this teacher. We can't do it without these said Marcus. The three were able to get away from the crowd but in some bushes. I was able to get out costumes here said Marcus. How did you do it that quickly said Lloyd. My cousin is really fast at sowing and shipping things said Marcus. The three were able to get there superhero suits on and i might say, they looked swaged up. By this time, The school was destroyed as all of the students and staff had ran way from the scene. wHeRe ArE yOu LlOyD said Crumbs. wE hAvE sOmE pLaNs!! Stop right there said Lloyd. WhAt said Crumbs. Crumbs looked back and saw the three. The Super Squad is here said Marcus. Ready to stop you once and for all. Crumbs was staring to laugh a bit but controlled himself. YoU rEaLlY tHiNk ThAt YoU cAn StOp Me said Crumbs. YoU dOn'T eVeN kNoW wHy I'm DoInG tHiS!!! We don't need to said Lloyd. fInE said Crumbs. lEts DANCE IT OUT!!!