Hi there 👋👋👋, once again I'm here to inform you of some changes taking place.
Soo..... As this is still the beginning part of the book I'd like to implement this early on so as not to cause a clash of information.
First; I'll be constantly changing the information displayed in the system screen, just to be clear I eventually intend to stop, sooo at any point in the book you notice that the arrangements of info in the status screen is the same just know that I've finalized on an arrangement method 😏✌️.
Secondly, I'll be changing how troops are recruited. But since I obviously can't change it directly I'll "UNLOCK" it at settlement lvl 3 ( town). I'm changing it to be similar to an element from one of my favorite books which I'm sure you guys know of by now ( I most definitely will not mention which ), when settlements reach the lvl of TOWN I'll replace using normal barracks to train multiple to being able to buy "TROOP LAIRS" from the trade channel option in the system screen and obtaining them from the wild [ (ohhh and in order to not make it so ridiculously similar I'll make mine that, only troop lairs of troops which match class of whosoever is trying to obtain CAN be obtained and used, another if obtained will immediately be sold after 5s ( the reason I gave 5s is if whoever wishes to gift it to someonelse rather than use it his/herself) ]. In the sense that only one kind of troop per lair nothing more, nothing less.
Also pls 🙏🙏🙏 try your possible best to be reading the author's note under each chapter, that stuff really helps ✌️✌️. Oh by the way the use of emojis will now be strictly for notices and sometimes world chat messages
And lastly in case I intend on making further changes I'll let you guys know through another notice, till then enjoy my subsequent chapters and try however possible way to vote and add to collection 🤘🤘🤘