Chapter 12: A true friend

Bleeding? Am I bleeding? I thought to myself checking my feet. Was I bitten? I asked myself. I was sure I wasn't bitten but why was I bleeding? I was barefoot, so maybe I stepped on something sharp that pierced my feet. I thought I was speaking then Kin threatened me more.

"Dane answer me, I don't want to do this," Kin said shaking his head.

"I.Humm, I stepped on a stone that stood facing up" I guessed I did.

"Let me see," Kin said moving closer to me. I raised my feet to him for him to see I didn't get bitten.

"Can you walk? " Kin was assured that I was not bitten but he shifted the scene into a question, "The zombies I tricked can be here any second now"

"Bro, you literarily pointed a knife at me, threatening to kill me!" I was pissed at Kin, what was he thinking, I can never do what he did not even if I was sure he was bitten, I felt betrayed by him.

"Look, Dane, I'm scared alright, and confused, I don't know if my sister is safe and everyone else and I almost lost my best friend to a zombie moments ago... Am lost for what to do bro. I'm... I don't know..." Kin said to me with his voice trembling, this was how he said sorry. Hearing him say this made me pause. I still felt betrayed that he pointed a knife at me. "Dane, please answer me, speak to me bro, I'm sorry for pointing a knife at you, I was afraid I was gonna lose you. Please answer me!" Kin's eyes were red, he was fighting the tears in his eyes from rolling down to his cheeks.

"No worries. I was just annoyed and .... And angry that you pointed your knife at me. " I said still feeling betrayed by him.

Kin and I have been friends for nine years, He's nineteen while I am seventeen. I met him on my eighth birthday, he was chasing after a dog, they had just moved in, he, his sister and his aunty. Aunt Maeve. I thought we would be rivals or even worse, foes. I didn't match his class of friends, that was what I expected but it was the other way round. I vividly remember when he chased a neighbor's dog into our yard. I was smiling at my birthday cake, taking a sneak pick of him trying to get the dog that ran wildly around my house. He chased the dog till the point he was outsmarted by it and he fell on the table that held my cake. I laughed at him he also laughed and the rest was history.

In the Nine years I had known Kin, he had never threatened anyone's life nor had he pointed a knife at anyone before, And now he pointed one at me. That was why I felt betrayed by him, my friend.

"Dane, I know this sounds weird but do you remember the time Mr Hope our class teacher put us in detention for calling him Hope the elf king because of his long and pointy ears, and huh... Do you remember the time we rode our bicycles in your mom's garden and destroyed are carrots" Kin was smiling when he said those words, I was also but I refused to show it on my face.

"Bro. I know what I did to hurt you, please forgive me" Kin said coming closer to me and hugging me. I hugged him back this was the Kin I knew, he wasn't heartless, he was pure free from any controversies that made him look evil, and he was neutral and well-mannered. I realized why Kin became so fearless and vicious, he was trying to protect the only family and friend he had left. His sister and me. He was just like me, scared, hopeless, and timid but what covered this was the drive to protect the ones he loved. He couldn't afford to lose anyone, not even his rival Heyt.

" We have to go," I said still hugging my friend dearly.

"I know bro," he said and punched me in the guts, " I said I was gonna kick your ass when we got down, now we are even," he said, putting my arms across his shoulders.

"Where are the zombies that pursued you?" I asked puzzled about where they had gone, I spoke way too soon, two zombies, I saw were behind us, and they spotted us. And now they were coming towards us with intense speed. Climbing a tree was pointless, running was pointless too.

"Dane go... I'll take 'em," Kin said pushing me aside. I didn't want to fall behind him, I wanted to protect him this time not being protected by him.

"No, we are in this together, we fight, " I said to my friend, coming to his front.

"Dane don't do anything rash, you are injured and you can't kill them remember" Kin said pushing me aside again. I wanted to tell him about me, killing a zombie deer and a human zombie but time was an enemy.


One of the zombies jumped intending to fall Kin to the ground, Kin knew its plan, he simply dodged it, and the zombie fell to the ground vehemently. The other zombie came towards me, Kin threw me his knife.

"I don't fear you anymore," I said to the approaching zombie. The zombie that fell stood to its feet facing Kin, it ran as if it was enraged for being outsmarted by him. It opened its black mouth filled with black teeth. Kin bent quickly and picked two stones they were small. He threw one on its eyes, blinding it for a split second.

" Dane, throw me the knife." I was faced with a zombie. The zombie was an adult male it looked me in the eyes as if observing me. It ran closer to me limping, its leg was injured by something. It bit at the air trying to Make contact with my skin. I held the knife my friend gave me.

"I have killed your kind before and am going to do it again " When the zombie bent its head with its teeth targeting my neck, I placed the knife in my hands into its head killing it almost instantly. I hesitatingly removed the knife from its head, looking at Kin as he threw stones repeatedly at the zombie's eyes. My wrist hurt, but I vanished the pain, I threw the knife to Kin he caught it. His hands were high aiming for the head of the zombie, my hands were held n anxiousness as I waited for him to end the zombie.

I saw the zombie fall to its death motionless. Kin smiled at me, looking at the zombie I killed.

"You did a good job bro," my friend said to me.

"You too," I said back.