Chapter 1: A New Journey

Akira is a 14 year old kid who is attending Arcania, an academy that trains highly intelligent students and those who can master and perfect 1 element. Akira on the other hand cannot master any 1 of the 6 elements, ranging from fire, water, lightning, wind, earth, and ice. But the academy still accepted Akira's application despite not being strong as the other students.

Akira dresses up in a full black outfit and heads outside to the academy, he ran for 35 minutes to get to the academy...

40 minutes passed and Akira makes it to the academy, all of a sudden he sees a teacher walk beside him and pats Akiras back.

"Hey there kiddo, you new around here?" the professor asks.

Akira panics and quickly bows down to the professor and respondes.

"H-hello professor! I am indeed new around here! Pleasure to meet you" Akira says in a nervous tone as he bows down.

"Hahaha! No need to be nervous son, I am just like any normal professor. Call me professor Asric, I am the teacher who teaches the combat class." professor Asric explains in a gentle tone.

"Combat class? What's that?" Akira asked professor Asric in a confused tone.

"Huh? You mean you don't know what the combat class is? It's what students always look forward to every year!" professor Asric explains.

"Oh..I see, what's it about anyways?" Akira asked.

"Well it's a giant stadium where students will participate in battle, sometimes I'll do one on one to observe your skills and sometimes it's going to be teamwork battles where you have to work together and fight together, trust me kid you'll find it enjoyable." professor Asric explained.

"Anyways who's your homeroom teacher kid?" Asric asked Akira.

Akira whipped out his phone and shows the schedule on his phone.

"Oh would you look at that, you're with professor Mia. She's a pretty lady and I think you'd enjoy having her as your teacher" professor Asric laughed as he hit Akira on the back.

Akira in his mind was thinking about how weird but enthusiastic professor Asric is but brushed him off and began to walk into the school.

"H-hey kid! Just one more second, I need to give you this since it seems like you don't have it" professor Asric said as he handed Akira a mysterious orb.

Akira looked at it with a confused look.

"What is it?" Akira asked as the orb just sits on the palm of his hands.

"Throw it up in the air and you'll see kid." professor Asric explains.

Akira begins to toss it in the air and all of a sudden the orb took another shape and transformed into a shiny blue sword, Akira quickly grabbed the handle of the blade in the air and inspected the blade.

"W-what the?! Isn't it prohibited to have weapons unsheathed like that out here?!" Akira shouted in a panic tone.

"Yes, which is why I made you do that because principal Yuri is right behind ya" professor Asric said as he pointed behind Akira.

Akira looked behind and saw principal Yuri behind him, Yuri looked a bit mad and had his arms crossed.

"A-ah principal Yuri! I-I'm sorry!" Akira said as he quickly bowed his head down respectfully.

"Do not worry child, I am not here to scold you on the first day. But you professor Asric should know that teasing a kid like that is not allowed." Yuri shouted at professor Asric.

"Oh come on Mr. Yuri, wouldn't it hurt you to at least be let loose a bit?" professor Asric said as he wrapped his arm around Yuri's neck and leaned on him.

Principal Yuri sighed in dissapointed.

"Anyways, you're Akira right? I'd like to actually have a word with you if you don't mind. And don't worry, I'll have professor Rose know you'll be late." Yuri asked Akira.

"O-oh...Sure, I won't mind then." Akira said as he waited for Yuri to walk to his office.

After a few minutes Akira sat down on the chair in front of principal Yuri.

"So, what are your first impression on the teacher? Kind? Strong? What do you think?" Principal Yuri asked Akira.

"I was able to sense his ominous power but…I don't know" Akira frowned.

"Worry not child, I can assure you that his power is just as powerful as a lions strength" principal Yuri explained.

"A strength of a lion? So is he like stronger then the #1 mage?" Akira asked tilting his head questioning the strength of professor Asric.

"No, I'm afraid not even if he was the strongest mage in the world I'd be shocked that he's teaching a bunch of students in the first place" principal Yuri explained

"Tell me, why did you come to this academy? Despite not having any of the 6 elements mastered or not being able to cast them" principal Yuri asked.

"I only came here to learn how to use magic, I want to be strong! But I haven't been able to learn how to use magic." Akira explained.

"Oh? Alright, what if I tell you that you have limitless power that could surpass the best mage in the world?" principal Yuri smirked.

"What are you planning?" Akira asked

"How about I give you classes that are S rank classes? S rank classes are the highest ranks that students can get into, and it's extremely hard because you have to master at least 4 elements to perfection. So what do you say?"

To Be Continued….