Chapter 2: S rank classes

"You want to bump up a trainee mage to an S-rank class?! I haven't even mastered any of the elements!" Akira shouted, shocked by Principal Yuri's response.

"You want to be strong, right? So, I believe if I bump you up to an S-rank class, you'll be able to learn the importance of survival," Principal Yuri took a breather for a bit.

"Essentially, what I'm saying is that if you're under extreme and serious near-death experience, you'll unlock your full power and instincts. Believe me, your instincts in your body will react to the situation that occurs before you, so don't worry!" Principal Yuri explained.

"If you're okay with this, then..." Akira took a moment and thought about it more.

"I'll do it...but could you at least give me 1 F-rank class to be in? I'd like to at least feel comfortable," Akira asked.

"Very well, I'll assign you to Professor Mia's class. She teaches students the chants that magic casters have to say to cast spells. You'll learn more there after. Anyways, move along now. But for today, following the schedule I gave you that has all F-rank classes, I'll update it to the schedule tomorrow," Principal Yuri said as he spun his seat away and turned to the board behind him.

Akira stood up and bowed to him. "T-thank you, Principal Yuri!" Akira said as he walked out of the room.

As Akira walked out, Principal Yuri smiled. "I hope you survive, kid..."

Akira checked his schedule on his phone and saw that he had a chanting class, the class with Professor Mia. Apparently, the class taught students how to chant their own spells with magic words.

Entering the class minutes later, Akira saw the entire class engrossed in the teacher's lectures. Professor Mia looked over at the door.

"Ahh, so you're the new kid, right? Akira...was it?" Professor Mia asked.

"Y-yeah, it is! I am sorry for being late!" Akira said as he bowed respectfully.

"Ahahaha, I like you, kid. And don't worry, you were excused for being late," Professor Mia explained, and the entire class even laughed at Akira.

"Let's see..." Professor Mia said as she looked around for a seat for Akira. "Let's put you next to Risa," Professor Mia said, pointing at the empty desk to the left of Risa. Akira walked over, sat down, and settled his bag. As Akira sat down, he heard lots of comments around him, like "Wow, this idiot gets to sit next to the hottest girl ever?" and "Why does he get to be in S-rank classes?"

"Rumors sure do spread fast..." Akira thought, trying not to pay attention to what people were saying.

"Alright, class, allow me to get back on topic. But first...Akira, what do you know about the chanting spells?" Professor Mia asked.

Akira looked up confused. "Uhh, the chanting spells take around 8 seconds to finish; they also allow magic casters like me and others to launch powerful spells," Akira explained.

"Very good. How about what it costs to use spells? Do you know what they are?" Professor Mia proceeded to ask Akira.

"Something called Mana, right? It's the source of how people are able to cast magic," Akira explained. "Mana can only be restored or gained if the user isn't in combat for 10 seconds, but you can also drink mana potions to restore them instantly," Akira continued.

Professor Mia had an impressed look on her face. "My, my, you really know a lot, kid, but that'll do for now. I wouldn't want you wasting your entire breath on one simple lesson," she chuckled.

For 20 minutes, Akira listened until someone threw a crumpled paper at him. He looked at the crumpled-up ball and opened it. The note read, "Meet me outside the courtyard right after this class," and Akira's eyes widened in surprise.

He looked around, but everyone seemed like they were minding their own business. "Huh? Who could've written this?" Akira thought to himself.

To Be Continued...