Chapter 7: Just Warming Up

As everyone gathered outside the entrance of the cave, the anticipation for the dungeon exploration was palpable. Akira couldn't help but comment on the professor's delayed arrival.

"Professor sure is taking their sweet time," Akira remarked.

Risa, wearing a worried expression, caught Akira's attention. Concerned for her, he tried to offer some comfort.

"Are you okay?" Akira asked Risa.

"I'm a little worried... dungeons can be dangerous, and I'm afraid we might all die," Risa explained, her anxiety apparent.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. Just stick by our Runic Knights," Akira reassured her. "And besides, this dungeon is F rank. These monsters are like babies, even for me, a person who can't even use magic right now."

He hoped his words would provide some comfort to Risa, who clenched her hands together nervously.

"Yeah, you're right... as long as I heal our Runic Knights, we'll be okay!" Risa said, her smile returning.

After a few minutes, Professor Hakuno arrived.

"Ahh, hello class! I am Professor Hakuno, and today we will be doing a dungeon exploration," Professor Hakuno explained.

The class exchanged glances, their murmurs filling the air. Professor Hakuno, with a stern tone, emphasized the importance of their roles.

"Runic Knights, you are to remain in the front lines and shield your allies; Wind casters, heal from a safe distance; and last but not least, you mage casters have to eliminate the monsters. Sound simple enough?" Professor Hakuno asked, and the entire class responded with a resounding "YES SIR!"

"Very good, children. In case of an emergency, you will all flee out of the dungeon with no exceptions. Do not come back for me if I decide to stay. You are all to get out of here alive. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?" Professor Hakuno's command echoed.

With a quick lecture, they entered the dungeon, treading cautiously down the dark path filled with potential dangers.

As the Runic Knights led the way, some of them showed signs of fear. Akira walked beside Risa, noticing her somber expression.

"We'll be fine, Risa... Trust me," Akira said, attempting to lift her spirits.

"Y-yeah, you're right!" Risa replied, raising her head confidently.

Minutes later, the Runic Knights halted, readying their shields as flapping wings and goblin footsteps echoed in the dungeon's darkness.

"Get ready, casters! Do whatever you can to kill them all!" Professor Hakuno commanded.

Unable to use magic, Akira realized he could still contribute with the rapier he had forgotten to return.

"Rushing to the front would be dangerous... I'd get hit in the crossfire," Akira thought, devising a plan to assist.

Suddenly, a swarm of bats descended upon them, and everyone unleashed their elemental magic. Akira, using his agility, soared into the air and efficiently struck down multiple bats.

"Listen! I'll take care of the bats; all of you need to focus on the goblins!" Akira shouted, coordinating their efforts.

As the class engaged in the battle, Akira, airborne, remembered a voice from his past.

"Listen well, Goblins are weak monsters, but they are smart. They will tear armor off like nothing, and... I shouldn't go into further detail, but make sure you don't let your guard down!" the voice echoed in his memory.

"W-who was that?" Akira wondered, rejoining the fight with newfound determination.

As goblins targeted the Runic Knights, Akira used his rapier skillfully to defend a fellow knight, impressing the entire class.

With the goblins defeated, everyone caught their breath. Professor Hakuno commended their efforts and cautioned Akira to be more careful. Akira, realizing the importance of caution, scratched the back of his head nervously.

To be continued...