Chapter 8: Outmatched

"Is everyone holding up?" Akira inquired as the class trod down the winding path.

Silence greeted his question, but their determined expressions assured him that everyone was managing. Pressing forward, Akira kept pace with Risa at his side.

After hours of tireless walking and fighting, Professor Hakuno directed the class to return and report the dungeon's status to the guild. The students packed their gear and began the journey back. Akira, however, noticed an unsettling detail and approached Risa in the middle of the group.

"There's something off," he informed her.

"Like what?" Risa responded with a puzzled expression.

"We've been walking for hours, maybe even minutes. Are we sure we're on the right path?" Akira questioned.

"I'm not sure. Professor Hakuno has the map," Risa replied.

Suddenly, Professor Hakuno halted the entire class, signaling them to stop. Confusion and concern spread among the students.

"What's going on, Professor Hakuno?" a Runic Knight asked.

"Someone's missing... Paco, report in!" Professor Hakuno called out, waiting for a response from one of the mage casters.

Paco remained silent, and despite the class searching for him, there was no trace. Concern deepened among the students.

"Does anyone know where Paco went?" Professor Hakuno asked, met with blank stares. No one had a clue of Paco's whereabouts.

"24 out of 25 students... let's head back to find Paco, everyone!" Professor Hakuno decided. However, a rebellious mage caster, assigned to kill monsters, challenged him.

"We've been working hard! It's just one student. He got lost, and that's his fault! Why should we bother saving some low life anyway?" the mage caster retorted, dismissing the urgency.

"Are you obeying my orders, child?" Professor Hakuno's entire body radiated a red aura, but the argument persisted.

In the midst of the tension, Akira sought information about the defiant mage caster from Risa.

"Who is that guy, Risa?" Akira inquired.

"That's Leo. The school bully, as everyone calls him. He's part of a noble family, so the school staff can't do much if he follows the teachers' commands," Risa explained.

Frustrated by Leo's attitude, Akira flicked a rock towards him. Leo, angered, retaliated by punching Akira in the face, leading to a scuffle.

"Enough!" a Runic Knight intervened, revealing herself as the girl Akira had saved before.

As Leo stormed off, the girl approached Akira, leaving him surprised.

"Thanks," Akira muttered.

"Now we're even," she replied with a smile, returning to her position.

"Who was she?" Risa inquired.

"Some girl I saved from goblins," Akira explained, blushing.

An hour later, the class, unable to locate Paco, began their journey back. However, a sudden tremor shook the cave, causing chaos.

"What's happening?" a Runic Knight shouted.

"Stay calm, it's just a—" Professor Hakuno's explanation was cut short as the floor collapsed, and everyone fell into darkness.

The class, saved by a wind caster's spell, landed roughly. Panic and confusion ensued as they tried to comprehend their new surroundings.

"Where are we now?" a water caster questioned.

Akira, noticing the fear on everyone's faces, turned around to witness a colossal monster, ten times the size of a human, wielding a giant sword.

"What the hell is that?" Akira wondered as the creature revealed Paco in its grasp.

Angry and determined, Akira confronted the beast, attempting to attack it. However, the monster effortlessly swatted him away, leaving Akira injured.

As Paco was devoured, a sense of hopelessness engulfed the class. Professor Hakuno, attempting to fight, was stabbed by a goblin from behind.

"Professor!" Akira cried as he rushed to his aid, but it was too late. As Professor Hakuno lay dying, he urged Akira to leave with Risa.

Amidst the chaos, Akira had a strong aura around him, he unleashed a mysterious power. And his appearance changed into white hair, purple eyes, and a red outfit, he swiftly dealt with the monsters and saved the students.

Exhausted and wounded, Akira fainted, and Risa caught him. The class, witnessing Akira's extraordinary abilities, escaped the dungeon, leaving behind the fallen Paco and Professor Hakuno.

As they rested in a small cave, Risa tended to Akira's injuries, pondering the mysterious power he had displayed.

"What was that power?" a female knight asked.

"I'm not sure, but Akira wielded magic like an S-rank mage," Risa replied.

With uncertainty looming over their fate, the class prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"To Be Continued..."