Chapter 8.5: Extra

After hours of being knocked out, Akira slowly opens his eyes and wakes up.

"W-where am I?" Akira said as he lifted his head up off of Risa's shoulders.

Risa suddenly hugged him, Akira acted confused on why she hugged him.

"R-Risa? Wait...Where are we?" Akira asked.

"We're still in the dungeon....everyone's asleep and managed to get out." Risa explained.

"We killed it?" Akira asked.

Risa shook her head.

" killed it Akira" Risa explained.

Akira gasped and his eyes widened open.

"I killed it? What do you mean?" Akira asked.

"Huh? You don't remember?! You flew into the air and killed it with one spell" Risa explained

"Can he really not remember?" Risa thought in her head as she still kept hugging Akira.

"Well, whatever the case we should leave quickly...I have a bad feeling about being down here." Akira said as he stood up and started to walk off.

"W-wait we have to wait for others to wake up!" Risa shouted.

"I'll just scout ahead, no worries" Akira said as he walked away from the class.

He searched around the dark cave and saw two pathways and started to think for awhile...

Hours later, Akira walked back to the group and saw everyone was awake.

"Alright everyone, listen up..." Akira said as everyone stared at him.

"We'll get out of here alive, that's a promise!" Akira said with a bright smile...

To Be Continued