Chapter 9: Unknown Power

"Ugh, we've been walking for hours now!" A complaint echoed from one of the mage casters, the weariness evident in their voice.

Akira and Risa took the lead while the rest of the party followed behind. The continuous grumbling from the students became a constant background noise, slowly grating on Akira's nerves.

"If you guys want to keep complaining, then you can all stay down here and get eaten alive by those monsters. I'm sure you'd rather live, right?" Akira scolded the entire class, his voice firm and commanding.

A dissenting voice, Leo, couldn't resist stirring the pot. "Hey, why is this F-rank, no-magic loser leading the class anyway?" Leo pointed fingers at Akira.

"What? You got a problem with me? I just saved you from certain death," Akira retorted, his gaze piercing with a hint of danger.

"P-please stop fighting, you two! Professor Hakuno is dead! We're going to need your help," the girl attempted to intervene, but before she could finish, Leo pushed her down with a dismissive gesture.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Akira yelled, witnessing Leo's disrespectful act.

Undeterred, Leo pointed his magical cane at Akira, threateningly declaring, "Maybe if I take out our so-called savior, then I'll be able to take the lead!"

"This is no time for games, Leo!" Akira shouted, hand on the hilt of his rapier. "I'm not keeping you here against your own free will. You can go your separate way if you want. No one is stopping you from splitting apart."

As tension lingered, a horde of monsters surged towards the party. The three runic knights, taking defensive positions, protected the class. Akira, unsheathing his rapier, took charge.

"Let's go!" Akira commanded, rallying the class to face the impending threat.

Time stretched as Akira displayed incredible prowess, effortlessly dispatching goblins. However, a sudden arrow flew towards him, endangering a fellow student.

"AH! MY SHOULDER!" the girl cried out as the arrow hit its mark.

Determined not to lose anyone, Akira leaped into action. He glided through the air, expertly striking down the goblin threatening the injured girl.

"I left the runic knights vulnerable... I have to get there fast!" Akira's mind raced as he swiftly returned to his position.

"EVERYONE! THEY HAVE BOWS, DON'T GET SHOT BY THEM!" Akira warned, repositioning himself at the front lines and resuming the battle.

Taking a moment to strategize, Akira approached Camillia, the girl he had saved multiple times.

"Hey, could you hold your own, Camilla?" Akira asked, formulating a plan.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Camillia responded, crushing a goblin's head with her shield.

Explaining his strategy, Akira requested, "The rangers will likely be a nuisance if no one has the accurate aim to hit them. My plan is to rush towards them, but I need you to hold your own against the melee goblins while I'm away."

"W-what?! Fine! But make it quick!" Camillia agreed, rushing off to support the others.

Taking a deep breath, Akira closed his eyes, contemplating his next move. The realization hit him - if he could cast magic like Risa suggested, perhaps he could unleash a spell.

Purplish sparks manifested below Akira, growing more intense with each passing second. A surge of energy coursed through him, capturing the attention of everyone around.

"Is he...casting a spell?" Risa wondered, focusing on healing the wounded.

"He's Augmentation spell! He's basically buffing himself with magic!" a classmate exclaimed, eyes fixed on Akira's mysterious transformation.

In a sudden burst of speed and precision, Akira dodged an incoming arrow and swiftly eliminated the distant goblin archers with a spell named "Lightning Strike."

"I USED A SPELL!" Akira exclaimed with excitement after the successful execution.

As the aftermath unfolded and the monsters were defeated, the class took a much-needed break on the cave floor. Akira surveyed his tired comrades, realizing the toll the battle had taken.

"I wouldn't worry about everyone now," Risa reassured him, sitting down next to Akira.

"How are you faring, Risa?" Akira asked, concern evident in his eyes.

"I'm fine, just a little hungry," Risa chuckled lightly.

"We'll be out soon, I promise," Akira said, offering a reassuring smile.

"Yeah... I feel like we're almost out too," Risa added optimistically.

To be Continued...