Chapter 16: Akiras Return

"Well, well, well, am I surprised to see you alive, Akira," Principal Yuri said with a little smile on his face.

"Instead of celebrating my return, you should be realizing the number of dead S-rank mages in the damn cave right now!" Akira shouted.

"Dead S ranks in an F rank dungeon? You're joking, no S-rank mages can die in such a low-level dungeon," Principal Yuri said, not believing a single word.

But a few seconds later, Professor Satoshi walked in, looking devastated.

"It's true...10 of my students were just killed," Satoshi said.

Principal Yuri's eyes widened in disbelief. "N-no... It can't be!"

"Alas, it's true, Principal Yuri. 10 S-rank students killed in an F-rank dungeon, all in search of one man!" Satoshi yelled.

"How did you even survive down there?" Satoshi demanded answers from Akira.

"Master, I wouldn't say anything to him about me. If they find out about you having a Seraphic, they might banish you or even hunt you down to take me," Luna warned Akira in his head.

"I only survived because the hole I fell down saved me from being devoured by monsters. That's it," Akira lied.

"THAT'S BULLSHIT! No F-rank mage could ever survive down there! Let alone for 5 days!" Professor Satoshi yelled.

"Believe me or not, it's up to you. You're just saddened by the fact that your entire class was annihilated, and I'm sorry that happened, but you shouldn't be blaming me for what happened. If you knew I would be dead, then there would be no point in coming for me," Akira explained as he slowly left the room, leaving them in shock from what Akira said.

Akira roamed the hallways, thinking about what he said.

"Did I go harsh on them?" Akira asked Luna.

"No, it's true that his students died, but you made a point. If they expected you to be dead, then why did they go to the dungeon?" Luna explained.

"The only reason was to find your corpse if I am to assume, but it's a dumb reason to do that, as much as I hate to say it," Luna commented.

All of a sudden, Akira stopped in place.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked, curious about why he had stopped.

He noticed Risa in front of him and was in disbelief that she had been waiting for him the whole time.

"Risa?" Akira called out, and she quickly ran up to him and gave him jumped onto him, giving him a big hug.

"You're alive!! I was so worried!" Risa cried.

"Yeah, I'm back, Risa, and hopefully not going anywhere soon," Akira said as he gave her a big hug as well with a smile.

"Don't do something that stupid again!" Risa demanded.

"Alright, alright, I won't, but how have you been? And how long has it been since I came back?" Akira asked.

"It's been 3 weeks since you disappeared!! But I've been fine; I've just had a lot on my mind for the past 3 weeks, all thanks to you!" Risa said, nudging him with her elbow.

"H-hey, I can't die that easily. Even so..." Akira said as he thought for a moment.

"So it's been 3 weeks since that situation happened, and they took 3 weeks to send 10 S-rank mages to find me?" Akira thought for a moment.

"Yeah, at that point, I would assume you would have died within 3 weeks, but they still went to go find your body. Unbelievable..." Luna explained.

Risa looked at Akira with a curious face; she questioned if something was wrong.

"Oh, sorry I was just lost in thought...But I have something to tell you; do you mind sitting with me at lunch? I want to show you someone I met," Akira explained to Risa. She was confused about who the person Akira met was but agreed to sit with him; after all, it's been weeks since they last talked...

Two class periods later...

Akira sat down at a table and waited for Risa; she came in and sat on the opposite side of the table from him minutes later.

"So who's this person?" Risa asked.

"Try not to shout when you see her; she likes to be hidden," Akira explained.

"It's a girl!? I didn't know you found lo-" but Akira cut her off before she could finish.

"It's not that, Risa! Jeez, you think I'd find someone in a cave like that!? Anyway...Lumina, it's safe for you to come out!" Akira said.

"Lumina?" Risa thought for a moment, and suddenly, a flying glowing blue orb floated in the air, and Lumina appeared in her human form, sitting next to Akira.

Her eyes slowly opened, and she rubbed them after waking up.

"Oooh, she's so pretty!" Risa said after looking at Lumina.

"W-wait a second....s-she came out of you!!" Risa shouted but not that loud.

"It's a long story, but this is Lumina, and she's a Seraphic, and she's the only reason why I'm alive," Akira explained.

Lumina looked at Risa with a smile, "It's nice to meet you, Risa; Akira's talked about you a lot," Lumina explained, giggling.

"H-hey, not true, only a little bit," Akira said slightly blushing.

"Hahaha, master is blushing!" Lumina made fun of him.

"S-shut up, Lumina!" Akira said as he was trying to cover Lumina's mouth.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry!!" Lumina said laughing.

"Better be..." Akira said.

Akira looked at Risa, and she was in shock with her mouth open.

"Uhh, are you okay, Risa?" Akira asked.

"She called you master, and she's so gorgeous! And what is Seraphic?" Risa said.

"Alright, I'll explain what truly happened when I was down there....

After a few hours, Akira explained everything about Lumina and what happened during the time he was stuck in the cave. After Risa learned all about Lumina and what she really is, Risa was amazed by what Lumina could do...

"That about sums it up, so Lumina is basically like my assistant but also a very strong one at that," Akira said, proud of what he did.

"Yeah, anyways...I'm hungry! Where's the food in this place!" Lumina cried.

"Oh, that's right, you guys must be hungry!" Risa said as she pulled out some food from her bag.

"You can all dig in; I bought a lot, so don't worry." Risa explained as she displayed 2 sandwiches, some fruits and drinks, and the main course was 3 small plates of sushi.

"Wow, I've never seen this type of food before!" Lumina said with a smile on her face.

"Really? It's common food that we eat," Risa explained.

"Not for me, I'm a Seraphic, so I haven't experienced food like this nor has another human talked to me other than my master," Lumina explained.

Akira giggled a bit happy to see Lumina and Risa getting along.

"Thanks for the food, Risa, and while we're here for another hour, did you learn new magic while I was gone for 3 weeks?" Akira asked.

"Oh, that's right! I did learn new magic; I learned 3 new healing spells and 1 offensive spell," Risa explained with her proud expression.

"Oh really?" Akira said.

"What did you do while you were down there?" Risa asked Akira, hoping he had maybe unlocked the ability to use magic.

"You might be surprised, but I don't think you've ever seen this magic before. So after lunch is over, I'll demonstrate my new magic power with Lumina," Akira smiled.

To Be Continued...