Chapter 17: Lumina & Risa

After a few hours after lunch ended, Akira and Risa headed to the battle stadium class, which happened to be the last class. After settling down, Risa and Akira waited for a bit and talked until the teacher arrived.

"Aren't you supposed to be in an S-rank class, Akira?" Risa asked, remembering that he should be with S-ranks.

"I don't feel like being with them anymore, not after what happened at least..." Akira explained, but the truth was he didn't want to be blamed for the deaths of the S-rank students who tried to save him if he had entered a class with them.

"Oh, I see, so you plan to stick with me for the entire school year?" Risa asked.

"Yeah, that is the plan, but a lot of stuff has happened, so I plan to at least relax a bit and possibly learn more about Lumina," Akira said.

Risa looked around for Lumina and noticed she's not here.

"Speaking of Lumina...where is she?" Risa asked a bit concerned that Akira didn't notice she ran off possibly.

"Oh, she's actually inside me in her spirit form. She's probably sleeping if anything," Akira explained.

"Oh, that's right...I forgot she could do that! She's amazing; I hate that people used her only for her power, though," Risa said feeling a bit sad by the fact.

"Yeah, but I will try my best to take care of her. She's like a pet that's very hard to take care of," Akira laughed a bit.

"Hey! I am not your damn pet!" Lumina said, scolding Akira.

"S-sorry!" Akira said out loud.

"Whoa, she can talk to you even if she's not even out here?!" Risa said surprised by what her abilities as a Seraphic can do.

"That's right, I can hear you too, Risa!" Lumina said somehow communicating through Risa's mind.

"W-whoa! Hey Lumina!" Risa said with a smile.

"Essentially, I can talk to anyone I want; I can also hear you since I'm not technically gone. I've just hidden myself in Akira, and also whatever Akira sees I see as well. I'm using his eyes like a window to see what's out there," Lumina explained to Risa and Akira.

"Are you always hiding?" Risa asked Lumina.

"No, it's only during Akira's academic times I'll hide myself. I hate the public, and I do not intend to show myself to evil people in this class," Lumina explained a bit mad.

"I feel safer around you and Akira; that's the only exception I would come out to my human form, other than that, I'll usually come out during adventures and fights. Stuff that deems important or if I need to eat too since I can't magically feed myself," Lumina began explaining more.

"Well, I'm glad you don't hate me at least or I'd have to have a stern talking to with your 'Master,'" Risa said.

"Why am I taking the blame if she didn't like you?!" Akira asked.

Risa giggled a bit, "I was only joking."

A few minutes later, class began, Lumina stayed asleep the entire time while Risa and Akira paid attention.

"Ahh, Akira, I see you're back alive," Professor Asric said.

"Been a while, Professor, but I'm ready to take on more challenges now." Akira responded back.

"Oh really? Then why don't you demonstrate your power; you managed to survive that incident for 3 weeks, right? So I'd assume you've learned about your magic abilities," Professor Asric explained.

"W-well, I'm worn out right now." Akira said making an excuse to not fight for today.

Professor Asric smirked, "alright, I'll give you a pass today, but I'd like to see your progress so could you demonstrate your magic ability?" Professor Asric requested.

Akira nodded and stood up; Risa looked at him a bit worried but she had faith.

Akira pulled out his rapier and held it in front of him; soon after, he moved his index finger and middle finger down the blade of the rapier and infused lightning elemental power into the rapier.

Professor Asric was seemingly impressed and kept watching.

As Akira finished infusing lightning magic into the sword, he unleashed the shockwave at the walls of the stadium and left giant scratch-like claw marks of an animal.

"Wow…that's some incredible power, kid," Professor Asric said with his eyes widened open.

"Alright, you can sit back down. I might lose my reputation if you show off too much," Professor Asric jokingly said.

"I look forward to today's class," Akira smirked.

To Be Continued...