Chapter 19: Fear

"Master, above you!" Lumina shouted.

Akira looked up and noticed a shadowy monster about to land on top of him, threatening to crush him. In a swift reaction, Akira leaped away, distancing himself from Lumina and Risa, ending up on the opposite side.

The beast, recovering from the impact, turned menacingly toward Akira and began charging at him. Akira drew his rapier and landed on his feet, facing the shadowy figure.

As they were about to collide, Akira thrust his rapier at the beast, but it deftly used its hands to block the attack. In response, the creature swung its arms, launching Akira backward into the forest, where he crashed into a tree, coughing out blood.

Meanwhile, Lumina started casting a light spell, forming a ball of light. The beast, drawn to the light, slowly approached Akira, who struggled to get up.

Realizing the creature's attraction to light, Akira shouted a warning to Lumina as the beast rushed toward her. Weakened and unable to rise quickly, Akira grappled with the difficulty of standing after the previous impact.

Lumina attempted to defend herself by launching a light spell at the beast, but the ball dissipated upon contact. The monster, undeterred, grabbed Lumina by the ankles, throwing her across the forest, crashing through trees.

As the creature advanced on Lumina, poised to deliver a fatal blow, she closed her eyes, cowering in fear. However, Risa appeared, standing between Lumina and the monster, holding it back with her sword.

Akira, recovering, swiftly thrust his rapier at the beast, piercing its tough skin but not delivering a fatal blow. Landing on the ground with Risa and Lumina, Akira kneeled down to check on Lumina, who seemed frightened.

Confused by Lumina's uncharacteristic fear, Akira squeezed her hand, instructing her to enter her spirit form and hide. Lumina complied, hiding inside Akira's body.

With a renewed lightning spell, Akira knocked the beast back, and the battle continued. Despite their efforts, the duo began to wear down after twenty minutes of relentless combat.

Risa, dodging the monster's attacks, inquired about Lumina's well-being. Akira, uncertain, revealed that Lumina had seemingly shut herself off for some reason.

Suddenly, Risa took a hit, launching her across the forest. In a dire moment, the monster, ready to devour her, grabbed her by the neck. Determined, Akira attempted to intervene, but a powerful gust of wind from the beast knocked him away.

As Risa faced imminent danger, someone intervened. In a split second, the stranger struck down the beast with a powerful shockwave, leaving everyone shocked and surprised.

As the smoke cleared, a man in a white coat, wearing glasses and with white hair, stood triumphantly over the defeated monster. Lumina emerged from her spirit form, and the group was left in suspense.

To Be Continued...