Chapter 20: A Wise Decision

As the smoke cleared, a mysterious figure stood triumphantly atop the vanquished beast, resembling a king surveying his conquered domain. Akira, still recovering from the aftermath, cautiously voiced his gratitude, uncertain of the intentions of the man who had seemingly saved them.

Risa, rising from the ground, observed the enigmatic savior with a mix of curiosity and wariness. "What is he?" she pondered silently.

Lumina emerged from her spirit form, her eyes narrowing as she glared at the stranger. Lumina's sudden intensity suggested a recognition that left the others puzzled.

"That's... a Seraphic!" Lumina exclaimed, revealing the identity of their unexpected savior.

"A Seraphic took down that beast in a mere second!?" Akira marveled, grappling with the implications of such extraordinary power.

Seizing the opportunity, Lumina saw a chance to establish a bond. "Now's our chance to actually tame him," she suggested, leaping towards the Seraphic. However, before Lumina could strike, he vanished in the blink of an eye.

"What the—" Lumina started, baffled by his sudden disappearance. Her attempt to attack him failed as he reappeared behind her, warning her to be wise about her actions. A swift kick to her stomach sent Lumina hurtling back toward Akira, who managed to catch her, preventing further injury.

"Are you okay, Lumina?" Akira inquired, his concern evident. Lumina, despite her initial anger, got back on her feet, prompting questions about the Seraphic's nature.

"He's fast..." Lumina thought for a moment.

"You brought humans to this dangerous area? Are you dense or something?" the Seraphic, identified as Kiyoshi, remarked.

Apologizing for his lack of introduction, Kiyoshi revealed himself as a Light element Seraphic. Risa, seizing the moment, bravely approached him.

"Would you be my Seraphic, Kiyoshi?" Risa asked, surprising Kiyoshi.

"A mere human asking me to soulbound myself to a human?" Kiyoshi responded, skeptical of Risa's request.

"That's not enough to convince him, Risa. This Seraphic is a wise type. He's smart and can almost counter every attack we throw at him," Lumina explained, assessing Kiyoshi's character.

Kiyoshi, in turn, questioned Risa's motives, asking whether she sought power or merely companionship. Risa, sincere in her desire for companionship, expressed her willingness to accept his power if that was his condition.

"How do I know you humans and Seraphic won't just use me for my power for evil?" Kiyoshi inquired, revealing his reservations.

"We only came here to get a Seraphic for Risa. I was hoping you'd almost be friends with Lumina too," Akira explained, attempting to reassure Kiyoshi.

Uninterested in forming such connections, Kiyoshi abruptly turned away, disappearing before their eyes. Lumina shared her insights, admitting that Kiyoshi was challenging to approach but expressing optimism that he might reappear.

Disappointed, Risa accepted Lumina's consolation and, along with Akira and Lumina, returned home. Kiyoshi, observing the peculiar group from the shadows, contemplated the dynamics among them.

The next morning, Akira awakened and checked on Lumina's well-being. Lumina, playfully pretending to still be asleep, eagerly anticipated breakfast. As they bantered about Lumina's food preferences, Akira reflected on Lumina's recent struggles.

Wondering about Lumina's mental state after the encounter with Kiyoshi, Akira reassured her that it was okay to feel fear. Lumina, feeling the weight of her role as a Seraphic, admitted her internal conflict.

Akira's heartfelt speech aimed to alleviate Lumina's self-imposed pressure. He emphasized that Lumina's evolving emotions were a testament to her humanity and growth. Lumina, moved by Akira's words, contemplated them and began to find solace in his understanding.

After their emotional exchange, Akira prepared to venture into the forest once more. Concerned for Lumina's well-being, he offered to invite Risa to keep her company. Lumina, smiling ever so slightly, accepted the offer, and Akira departed, leaving Lumina to ponder her newfound sense of self.

To Be Continued...