Chapter Eleven



"How far do we have to travel?"

I look over my shoulder to see Isabel dragging her feet, looking tired, "If you need a rest, just say so."

"I can keep going," I see her competitive side rear its head. "I was just asking."

"Well, you're the one with the map," I point out. "You tell me."

The map is in her hand as she walks, "It's not supposed to be that far but it's been five days and we've been walking nonstop."

A sarcastic response is on the top of my tongue, but I bite it back.

"Look, the sun is about to set. Why don't we set up camp and we can re-evaluate our position?" I suggest. 

She really does look tired. 

"Okay," Isabel drops her backpack on the ground and sits down heavily on the log next to her foot. 

I guess we're stopping now, then.

"A phone with GPS would be ultra-convenient right now," she shoots me a nasty look which I ignore. "But some of us don't believe in technology."