Doesn't deserve her forgiveness

When Maxwell finished reading Suzain's note, he knew a lot of things have happened in a short time and he was unaware of them.

He turned around and started walking out of Suzain's room.

"To the study."His stern voice resounded in the strangely empty and quiet room.

Albert hmmped in response while Ariana was petrified as whenever her grandfather called them to heir study he was undoubtedly furious and every time this happens they are done for.

Albert didn't said anything but started started walking out of the room following Maxwell.

Ariana, after a moment of hesitation also stated walking outside in Albert's stead.

Maxwell gave the servants who gave gathered around a cold look and they left from their immediately.

Ariana and Albert followed Maxwell inside his study.

Maxwell settled himself in his chair while Albert decisively locked the study door from inside.

Then,he stood beside Ariana who was trembling in fear.

A moment later Albert knelt on the floor and Ariana followed suit.

Maxwell who was sitting on the chair looked at both of them with a probing gaze.

Albert was expressionless as usual while Ariana was trembling slightly in fear.

His gaze moving back and forth between them while finally stopping on Ariana.

"Ariana Frost,Speak."Maxwell's unusually stern and cold vice rang out.It as the same in which he used to order solders to charge ahead at  the frontier.

Ariana shuddered and was sure that she is done for this time. Whenever, her grandfather called out her full name she would be doomed.

She mustered all her courage and explained how she was cheated by her b*stard boyfriend. How she came back to see them for the last time?How she was about to jump down from her room window and how Suzain saved her and not to mention  the fact that why she slapped her.

Maxwell's face went pale when he heard that he almost lost his granddaughter forever His breathing quickened as he held his hand over his chest as it started paining.

Ariana saw him in pain and was about to rush up to him but was stopped by Maxwell's threatening glare.

Ariana couldn't do anything but to continue kneeling under Maxwell's gaze.

It took Maxwell a while to calm down his emotions.

He couldn't be more grateful to Suzain for saving Ariana.

Coming to think up to this point,the slap mark on Ariana's face didn't look horrible anymore.On the contrary, he thought that Suzain should have slapped Ariana even more harder.

Maxwell took a deep breath as he looked at Ariana waiting to be punished.

"50 laps.'Maxwell said in a low voice.

Ariana on the other hand almost collapsed on the floor.

Fifty laps around the Old Frost Manor were no small deal.

After all, it was bigger than an army compound.

Ariana was sure that she would lose half of her life but compared to the mistake she was going to commit.The fifty laps didn't look like a big deal to her anymore.

It was even considered a light punishment if her actions were taken seriously into account by Maxwell.

"I was wrong and accept my punishment."Ariana replied guiltily.

Maxwell nodded his head and turned to look at Albert who was as expressionless as ever.

"Albert Frost, what did you do to Suzain?"Maxwell's voice contained a threatening edge to it

Ariana started shivering even more badly while Albert didn't even flinch.

Albert knew that he was in the wrong and DOESN'T DESERVE HER FORGIVENESS.