Following my demon

 "So how are you adapting to things in the City... having fun"Kazuma finally gave me some attention...I have been staying alone because he was very busy with work...

 "Having a blast..haha that's how people say it here right?..I have not gotten a chance to thank you yet for letting me tag along...Thenks" I sincerely did feel thankful...he did help me Chase my dreams...You know a wise person did tell me... Dreams were ment to be chased and if you did not chase it,what was the whole point of dreaming...

 "Do not mention it,that is what friends do...I want you to know that no matter what happens in the is hopefully for the best... okay" Kazuma suddenly turned serious... Maybe he was just tired from all the work he has been doing...What does he do? 

Kazuma finally decided to let me join his workforce...His, I think company was having a one of those gatherings which included very boring music and small portions of fancy food and alot of boring people talking about business... Dressing up by was definitely not one of my favorite things in the world...but I looked so good in a suit...I would marry myself...

 "You look very handsome today,I mean you look good everyday but I don't mind seeing you in a suit now and then" Kazuma complement me...City people just do and say whatever they say...I do not think I could complement a fellow guy so weird but I guess my charm was stronger than I thought..

The party was just as I thought...a bunch of rich people doing rich people stuff...And the food was still in small portions...I mean who would be full from that... "Stay close to me and don't talk to just anyone alright" Kazuma protective mode made me realize something, I did not realize this before but, Kazuma is a pretty good looking man... broad shoulders, tall and I mean like about 190cm tall and even from that suit you could tell he is a gym come I really had never noticed this...But thinking about it we really have not spend anytime together after coming here...Compared to my not so masculine self and a height of 182, he was a woman's dream.. 

Kazuma was busy talking to other business people and celebrities during the party and I was kind of getting bored...I did not want to pull him away so I decided to take a walk outside, when suddenly I bumped to someone...

 "I am so sorry I wasn't looking were I was going...are you alright sir?" In my entire 23 years of life, I had yet to see someone blessed with such beautiful crystal blue like eyes...The longer I looked at his eyes the more they drew me in...

 "It's fine, no one is injured and we were both just being a little careless" The mysterious man politely said...

Wow he was both very beautiful and handsome, about the same height as Kazuma if not taller,fair skin, those beautiful eyes, from the bump he was definitely fit...I mean that chest was firm...Was it weird that I was admiring this man...I don't think City people minded right...And again he was a work of art that needed to be appreciated...

 "Sir sir excuse me" His deep firm voice brought me back to earth..."Yes yes what did you say"I tried to compose myself

 "I was asking if you were alright, you seemed to be in a daze " He asked and just had to captivate me more with his smile...I mean who was this perfect...I am so jealous right now...That words just escaped my mouth without notice

 "How are you this perfect?" And I immediately regretted my life choices and as I tried to figure out how to defend myself he just stood there smiling which I had to admit made me feel weird..."I am sorry" that's all I could do

 "Why are you so cute" He said and walked away...wait did he just call me cute...why cute?.."Hey I'm not cute!" I shouted back not realizing the staring eyes and all he did was smile at me and walked away...

Why would a man call his fellow man cute...I mean he I get this City people thing but why cute...He could have said good looking or handsome...I mumbled to myself until Kazuma found me...

 "Where have you been...I was worried and why is your face like that...did someone do something to you...tell me now!, Did something happen"Kazuma said in a worried tone and all I could do was look at him and say..."someone called me cute"...

 "Haha haha"Kazuma just couldn't hold it in after hearing that confession..."why are you laughing I'm being serious, like who Calles another man cute...thats just weird..."I enquired sulking... 

 "Do you know what is ironical is the fact that you acting this was is very...cute," Kazuma said and his tone changed "You know what if we are done here please take me home" I demanded and still laughing Kazuma accept my request...No wonder it is said that there are no normal people in the City... everyone here is a weirdo....

 "Yes sir," A ready to receive order voice is heard from the other side of the phone..."I need you to find someone.....