Trapped in my demon

"Anything else sir?"...."That will be all for today,ooh wait before I forget did you find him,"...For the past few days after the party I have tried to find this kid from the party..How come I can't seem to get that boy out of my head, There is nothing special or unique about him...But maybe it's his carefree self when he complimented my looks or how sulky he was when I called him cute...

 "What the hell! it must be the end of the world...what in the demons world made the all mighty future demon king smile like that..."Eviile asked after seeing an unusual sight...

 "So big brother why did you call me, did you kill someone?do you want me to help you hide the most?do you want me to testify that I was with you during the time of murder and the man seen on the CCTV cameras is your Evel twin brother set to destroy you"Eviile was always known for her sarcastic nature...

 "I don't know about you but the last time I checked I was a demon,if I killed a human, I would eat him"I just always had a way to annoy her...

 "Well I don't presume you invited me here to remind me how to differentiate between being a Demon and a human..."Eviile just couldn't stand her brothers sarcastic mode....

 "Well I need you to find someone for me...I don't know his name or anything about him just that you have to find him" Vole set out his demands

 "Wow I didn't realize that I was God the hell I'm I supposed to find an unidentified person,"..."Well the last time I checked you were the demon of knowledge,so find...him...or else,"…."Or else what? Your going to kill me master future king of demons...And the last time...I..checked...there was nothing the king of demons couldn't how about finding that person yourself...and learn not to threaten your sister... Bye Felicia!...see I am learning from the humans"...

Future king of demons...I worked so hard to get to that position even when I am not the first son of my father the Demon king... Having had over 20 son's who all wanted this position this post was my blood sweat and tears....Now the only thing that remains as an obstacle is the fact that I had yet to find my soulmate...In the demon world it is belived that every demons soul was linked to another demon soul forming the fated soulmate...if one's soulmate died or committed a serious crime that could not be forgiven, a ritual is performed to bind two people together...The blood ritual...

The blood ritual was one of the most binding ritual that if broken could lead to dangerous consequences which may or may not include death curse which follows you for seventh reincarnation...It is also known that there is a chosen human who if, if a Demon gets intimate with or is the demon's soulmate,the demon gets the ultimate power of immortality,power and becomes undefeated in any Battle...

There is also the chosen human who it's said that had the grace of the demon world, human world and the godly realm....this specific human is protected by the three realms and has the same ability as the other chosen human but this specific one had the ability to boost powers of his partner (if a demon or angel) and protect his partner from other realms.... For over one thousand years there has never been such a human...which kind of made me think it was one of those legends....

Demons can't survive in the human world without human energy and as accent times,demons would devour their host, it was discovered that sex was a far much better way to extract energy from a human body...but this came with a had to be compatible with the human...This was set to stop greedy demons from taking all the humans energy for themselves...A demon could leave with one human host for about two years and if the Demon would take energy for more than the human turns to a soul snatcher...this creatures devour pure blooded humans and drain all their blood to survive....

If a soul snatcher drains the blood of a hundred pure blood humans they turn to vimpires...and if the vipire lives for a thousand years becomes the unstoppable dracula...So basically the demon's avoid this at all cost but some do slip away and that is where I come in...For one to become a feared demon king...he had to complete the most dangerous mission... killing a dracula... The dracula is the most hard to find of all creatures as it shape shifts to anyone... can be anywhere or anything and the dracula who I want to catch is...Lakumi...Every demon, human and angel has tried their luck finding or killing him but just couldn't...

I have been hunting him down this particular dracula for a while now and the more I can't get him the more my anger increases...I swore that if I could not catch him I would burn the human realm...

 "Sir we found him" Eloe, Vole's secretary announced...." The young man's name is Tristan Greenton,he lived in a small village called Unknownville until he moved here with...ummh" he said hesitantly...

 "I hate being left in speak"..."ummh...he lives with Overlord Kazuma sir..."

 "Kazuma, things just got a whole lot more interesting about that boy...."This was unlike Kazuma keeping a human in his house, there was definitely something special about that kid...and the whole fact that I couldn't get him out of my mind makes him even more fascinating....

 "Eloe,get the car...let's meet an old friend..."