Tristan effect

"My left eye is twitching, should I presume something bad is going to happen?"...."sir I didn't know you belived in such staff?"Kazuma's secretary Aki response brought laughter to the office....

Having being the first overlord in thousands of years surely could tire a man or in this case a Demon...But it's also such a good thing because Demons needed human energy to survive in the human world but I did not...An overlord was born with the power energy that did not need to be filled with Human energy...My energy was gotten from humans bad desires like Lust,anger, jealous and or humans imperfections, which was not had to get know... humans....

Being an overlord did have it's advantages but it had it's demerits to...An overlord needed to find his soulmate more early than most Demons...An overlord soulmate according to legend has the most important job in the world...that or he was someone really special...the last overlord soulmate was the ultimate pure blood...she had special powers to control vimpires and if a vipire could devour her could live without human blood and become A dracula even before living for a thousand years....

If an overlord found and had a good relationship with his soulmate even without being intimate, His powers grew stronger and stronger and became more perfect...both intelligence and physical is also said that it was extremely difficult to find the soulmate...well that's not true because I did... maybe it's because I am just lucky or maybe it's because I am just that good...

When I decided to travel to Idea was to conquer the place and build my mansion and enslave everyone...I guess fate just had other plans because I found him...When I was notified that my soulmate had been born...the thought of it being a man was definitely not in my thoughts...I was kind of relieved actually... Tristan is such a fun person to be around...he is funny, extremely cute,very confident in what he wants and very ambitious...I mean only a dense person would not find him likable...I especially like it when he is do I have the energy to resist that, when his eyes sparkle when he smiles with those beautiful dimples...he has a well build body that I don't mind admiring and those lips... would he allow me to kiss...I hope I could just make him mine...

But not yet...there was something special about him that was more stronger than him being my soulmate...He had this energy that I couldn't put my finger on...I wanted to be with him but I first had to find out, what was he...I was pretty sure he wasn't a demon nor an angel nor a god...But what was he... humans didn't give of the energy that he did...And for me to find out I had to protect him and have him stay besides me...

 "Going to work again"Tristan asked all sulky...he was really getting bored of staying at home and wanted a change of environment...

 "Why?you want to come with me to work?" I asked and suddenly his eyes sparked...I hated when he was like this happy puppy...what if one day I lost all my control... would he hate me? It was all his fault if I did...he it just too adorable and a demon can only take that much ..

 "Can I? I have always wondered what you did,"....."ofcause, I have sometime before running late, why don't you change, I will wait for you"That's all it took to be happy...was he really that uncomfortable staying at home...I should be taking him with me to work then... It would also be a chance to have him close to me all the time...

 "I am done let's go,"...."You seem very excited were you that uncomfortable staying here"...."No no, not uncomfortable...just a little bored, which is very weird because being lazy is what I do best...who knew being lazy could be tiring...if mum heard me say this she would be shocked," Suddenly his tone changed...Did he regret running away, was I not making his living here feel good...

 "Do you miss Unknownville?"Seeing him hesitate to respond made me feel weird...Was I feeling bad for him...What spell did this boy cast on me... I'm an overlord...

 "I do miss them...but I like being here with you more...I get to be lazy all I want...go to parties...and get to have anything I want...this is a dream for thenks so much's a reality because of you,"he said all sentimentally...

What was this boy trying to do? How can those cheezy words make me want to stop this car and make love to him then and there...This must be the effects of not having sex for a long time... There could be no other explanation as to why I was feeling like this...I had to control myself, one wrong move and I would lose not only my soulmate but a very good source of happiness... Shocking right? A demon like me seeking happiness...what had Tristan done to me...