He is mine

"We are here, welcome to my company...what do you think?"Kazuma asked a very mesmerized Tristan

 "Dude you are like one of those billionaires I see on TV... don't tell me you are also a Mafia" Tristan asked admiring the big building in front of him...

 "You watch too many dramas, but if you like mafias...I don't mind being one for you,"....."what did you say, I did not hear you, this place is huge, I want to go in.."...."That is what I said,let's go" Well what could I say, he is just a baby

Tristan had only seen such a busy building on TV and now being in one made him less homesick...Well he did wish is Mother and sisters were here to witness that the outside world was not as bad as they were made to believe... Tristan decided to tour the company as Kazuma handled some business...

 "You are Mr. Tristan right?" A young woman who was probably at her middle twenties walked up to him...

 "Yes I am, how can I help you Miss... uuhm,"...."xarni, you can call me xarni sir,"...."ooh just call me Tristan...so how can I help you"....."well, Mr. Kazuma asked me to show you around the company, he is in a meeting right now but will see you after he is done.."

Xarni looked like a really fun loving person...she was easy to get along with, very funny but very clamsy...she was also very cute and looked like she took care of herself very well...she had a very slim body... could be a model... Tristan and Xarni did not take much time to get along and they actually had so much in common...

 "So, are you and Mr. Kazuma, you know a thing"Xarni just couldn't resist asking...

 "What do you mean by a "thing"?"Tristan asked innocently...*my baby was born and raised in a village no one knows about, please bare with his Innocence*

 "Are you kidding?...I mean are you dating?"Xarni's question shock Tristan...He was not like opposed to any form of love but, what made her think they were a couple...

 "No we are not, what made you think we are dating,"Tristan asked curiously, but before she could answer her phone rung and she had to go give out some documents..."wait for me here, it's going to take a minute..." She said leaving in a hurry

Tristan had a very bad habit of not staying still and decided to try walking alone while waiting for Xarni to be back... Then he bumped to someone

 "I am so sorry si...ooh it's you again" Tristan could not have even imagined or even dreamt on seeing him again...What was he doing in Kazuma's company? Where they business partners or were they friends? 

 "Fate must be on our side, or what do you call us bumping to each other like this? I call in destiny" Vole said with a smirk on his face...Even with him going there he definitely did not expect to see Tristan...

 "What are you talking about? What fate this is called coincidence...and I haven't forgotten what you did last time...still waiting for an apology sir"

 "And what did I do last time, because if my story is correct, you were the one who bumped into me even then...so how comes I have to be the one apologizing," Vole just stared at the creature in front of him and wondered why he seemed so interesting to him... apparently there was nothing very unique or special looking about him...but every time he talked it was like a magnetic pull drawing him to him...

 Now angry" aww how can you forget? You called me cute,who calls his fellow man cute...were you looking down on me?"...Now Vole couldn't help but laugh, Who was this boy and with him acting like this is definitely the definition of being cute...

 "Wait did the boss just laugh?"..."I have never seen him talk to someone that much"..."this is so weird did this person cast a spell on our boss" Vole's bodyguards just couldn't help but whisper

 "A spell what are they talking about? You laughing now I'm suddenly a spell caster?" Tristan could not hold his anger

 "They are right though, I never talk to anyone like this, and to apologize for calling you cute...how about I invite you to lunch, what do you say" but before Tristan could answer Kazuma interrupted

 "That won't be necessary" He said pulling Tristan to him..."What do I always tell you,"Kazuma asked pulling Tristan even closer to him by his waist...

 "Not to talk to just anyone"Tristan innocently replayed but then added "but this is just not anyone, we met once at your party," Tristan defended his actions...Then suddenly the atmosphere turned dark...

 "Xarni! Take Tristan to my office and let him order anything he wants, he must be hungry buy now" then to Tristan..."why don't you go with her, while I have a word with Mr Vole then join you ok,"Tristan just nodded his head and followed Xarni...and one could tell from the mood that this was definitely not going to be a friendly conversation...