"The C4's are coming!!!!!"they kept screaming, and the back got crowded so easily that you could hardly see through. Many students climbed the chair, while some climbed the table. Everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of the C4's.

Ivy was just pretending, but deep down she really wanted to see the so called the C4's. She just wished there was a way everyone could get lost so she could have a view of them.

Coz like this she is never gonna see them, and she couldn't bring herself down to struggle like others. Never!!!

Just as if the sky hear her wish. The bouncers that accompanied them started chasing everyone away, clearing the way for the C4's. And everyone started running back to their seat to avoid being hit by the bouncers.

There was a convoy, like an actual convoy for this stupid set of people, Ivy thought.

Just take a look at the numerous flashy cars that parked in front of them right now, Gosh! These guys were really fortunate.

Collins, Canice and Chris got down from each of their cars, and stood in front of it. But for Castillo it was different, it took him minutes to get down from his own car.

And now, everyone was watching the process carefully.

Everyone was seated now, coz the officials had asked for coordination. Even Madison who ran to the front before was chased back.

One of Castillo's bodyguard went to his car door and opened it for him, people were waiting curiously for him to step down, but it seemed he was busy with his phone. And that way, he kept the young man who happened to be his bodyguard waiting.

Even his fellow mate,the rest of the C4's were all standing in front of their cars waiting for him to get out, and he was still busy doing whatever he was doing. Such arrogance!!

They could see little of his face, as the reflection from the light in his phone shone on his face.

After what seemed like forever, he put the phone off and placed it his pocket, ready to come out.

Immediately he stepped a foot on the ground, his black shinny shoe storming the ground with power, students started screaming all over the place.

Slowly, he came out fully as he dropped the other foot on the ground. He adjusted his shoulders with a proud look on his face, the cool evening breeze touched his skin and blew part of his hair. While his eyes was busy scanning the whole place.

He was putting on a black turtleneck top and black pants, and he had a brown hairy scarf around his neck. His black shoes were so shinny, you needed no one to tell you they cost a fortune.

The screaming increased as he stepped away from the door and took his position in front of the three guys, and the students still continued screaming.

They were about moving when a young slutty girl ran out. Jeez she was dressed like a harlot, and she had excessive make up on. She got to where Castillo was and held his arm in a possessive manner.

Who the hell was this girl????

It was no other than Cassie, the school queen bee, the only girl with the permission to touch or go close to Castillo.

So many ladies including Madison had big frowns on their face, while some did not mind actually, as they continued screaming.

Castillo did not even behave as if he was being touched, or even spared her a glance. He still had that cold and blank expression on his face, and he kept looking straight.

Ivy could not deny it, he looked more handsome in person. His face was so cute just like that of a baby, jeez! This is the definition of handsomeness.

He started moving with Cassie still holding his hands, while others followed. Plenty students were drooling as they continued screaming, and when they got close a student fainted, and she was carried out.

"What nonsense" Ivy scoffed. And Madison was just busy staring at him like a zombie.

So many students were trying to touch him, but they were prevented by the bouncers. They were not allowed to touch him.

And at this time now, the once coordinated house became so rowdy again, students left their seats to go close. And this time the bouncers could not stop them anymore, Madison and Davina were also among the crowd.

A certain girl was crying so hard, she just wanted to touch Castillo, just a touch. But he looked at her and ignored her, then he continued moving and some bouncers dragged her away.

What an annoying soul!

It so much pained Ivy that people were giving them attention this much, little wonder they acted and felt so important. Useless beings!

Cassie kept throwing glares at female students trying to get close, even after the bouncers prevented them, she kept glaring at them.

All this Cassie was doing made Madi extremely furious, all she wanted was to go there now and drag her away from Castillo. Who gave her the right to touch him, she was feeling so jealous and angry right now.

Chris, Collins and Canice were also getting attempts of touch from so many people. And when they were almost getting to their seat, Collins smacked a girl on her buttocks, and she smiled broadly.

Gosh! Ivy was feeling irritated at the way the female students threw themselves at this fools, it was just so annoying.

They finally got to where their seats ware located, and they took their various seats at the front.

The over crowded students that littered everywhere when the C4's got close, that the bouncers could not even hold back, started returning to their seats on their own accord.

Some of the stubborn ones that still wanted to get a view stayed back, but unfortunately they were whipped by the bouncers to return to their seats. Everyone was to settle down now.

Madison returned to where Davina and Ivy were seated in anger. Davina and Madi had joined the crowd in going close to them, but when the C4's got seated, Vina returned to her seat.

Madi refused to go back, she wanted Castillo to notice her by all means. But unfortunately, she was among those that got whipped by the bouncers, and that was when she returned to her seat.

Ivy was seated there all through. She only stood up when they got close to her table so she could get a view of them, and she immediately sat down afterwards.

"It's okay Madi, cheer up" Ivy consoled angry Madison as she took a sip from her glass of wine.

The party was just about to begin fully.


The party had started, but Madi was not interested in the party, she was busy complaining bitterly about what the bouncers did to her.

"Do not tell me to cheer up Ivy, that bouncer whipped me, he fucking whipped me" Madison lashed out on Ivy, who kept telling her to cheer up.

"At least Castillo did not get to see that, did he?" Ivy asked.

"I don't know if he did, but the bouncers embarrassed me, they embarrassed me at a party like this!" She complained bitterly,

"But I'm not sure he saw it" she added.

"Of course he didn't, he did not even spare you a glance" Davina chipped in.

"And what do you mean by that?" Madi snapped at her.

"What I mean is that Castillo did not look at you, he did not even see you. We told you right, I and Ivy warned you about this Castillo guy but you were adamant, you told us that he was gonna talk to you when he sees you"

"But now he's here, we're right in the same building with Castillo Walter, but the guy doesn't even know someone like you is in the building. I'm pretty sure none of the the C4's is aware of your presence, talk much more of Castillo" Davina poured out her mind, trying to talk some sense into Madi, and Madi got annoyed instantly.

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"Now someone is speaking as if she's a saint, don't you also love Canice!" Madi fired.

"Hello, excuse me! What I have for Canice is a harmless crush and I know it would not take me anywhere, but girl you're clearly obsessed. Your obsession for Castillo is way too much" Vina argued with all seriousness.

"Okay guys can we please not argue or fight? This is a party and we all came to have fun" Ivy interrupted the girls, coz she saw Vina was ready for a serious argument now, and Madison was not the type to give up. This could even lead to a fight if they're not stopped.

Madison glared at Vina for a long time, and then she turned to her phone.

She was only fighting with Vina, but deep down she knew Vina was saying the truth. This guy did not even look at her for a second.

What is it with this guy! She never thought it would be so difficult, just a glance was all she needed for now, but she couldn't get that.

This is so unfair! But no matter what it takes, she knew she was gonna get him.

She could not wait for the scholarship result to be called, she was so certain that she would be among them. Maybe that is the way he was gonna notice her today.

Just wait until she get into the school, one way or the other, she's so sure she's gonna have him, and then that bitch by his side is gonna flee. That time she is gonna decide who she's gonna be friends with, including Ivy and Davina. Everyone should watch out for her.

"Uhmm Ivy, I'm going over to Alvin's table" Davina suddenly blurted out.

"And why is that?" Ivy questioned feeling really surprised.

"Nothing, I just wanna say something to him" she replied, and Ivy eyed her suspiciously.

"Hey don't give me that look, it's not what you think" Vina laughed and began walking away quickly, she felt shy and embarrassed with what Ivy was doing.

Ivy sighed as she watched her walk away. She prays Alvin notices her soon, such a nice girl.

Now Ivy was left with Madi alone, and a dangerous silence was what existed between them. None of them said anything to each other. Madi was busy with her phone, and she was looking really angry, so Ivy just had to remain calm and sip her drink gently, she don't wanted any form of trouble.

Soon after so many glasses of wine, she started feeling pressed and she needed to ease herself.

"Uhmm Madi" she called breaking the uneasy silence, and Madi just raised her head from her phone to look at her, without saying anything.

"I'm pressed and I'll have to use the bathroom, I'll be back soon" Ivy informed and Madison just simply nodded, then she returned her eyes to her phone.

Ivy stood up and looked around before she started walking away.

