Ivy walked for some seconds before realizing she had no destination, she does not even know the way to the restroom here, and she knew no one here that she could ask except for Alvin who was literally far away from where she has walked. And she also decided not to approach him coz of that girlfriend of his.

She was seriously pressed and really needed to pee urgently, and so she summoned courage to ask anyone around.

She saw a group of three girls just like herself and her friends, they were at a table gisting and so she decided to approach them.

"Hi, good evening" she greeted politely as she walked up to them.

"Hi" they answered cheerfully, and phew! She released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"How may we help you?"

"Uhmm I'm pressed and I want to pee, I don't know if you could maybe show me the restroom" she answered smiling.

"Ohh, we're not members of this school, but I think it's that way" one of them said pointing towards a direction.

"Okay thank you" Ivy greeted and started walking away.

It's so obvious that those girls are not members of this school, coz those set of people would not even spare you a glance.

She knew the girl wasn't sure of what she said, but she had to try it out coz she was really pressed.

She walked towards the direction she was showed, and finally she got to a fancy door. She saw a huge man standing at the entrance, but before she could go close to ask him about the restroom, a lady came and whispered something to him and they hurriedly walked away.

"Way to go Ivy!" She muttered to herself.

She looked at the door, the inscription "RESTROOM" was written on it, and she confirmed that it was really a restroom.

But at the top of the door, there was another inscription "VIP"

Huh! So the students of this school are so proud up to restroom also. They always see themselves as VIPs, wow! So interesting.

She gently twisted the door knob and walked inside. Gosh! It really needed to be called a VIP, jeez it was so fancy, the walls and everything there were shinny.

"Is this where students of this school pee?" She thought.

She was standing at the long passage, it had different doors left and right, and she didn't know which to enter. But after standing for some seconds, the pressure of the pee drove her into one of the rooms.

She got in there and did her business, and in no time she was done. She washed her hands, and wiped them.

Ahh this dress was really a load to carry.

She came out of the room and walked out the main door, she stood in front of the door arranging her dress when suddenly the door opened roughly and hit her hard, causing her to loose balance. She almost fell down but she quickly held herself.

"What the.....

"Who was that?" She thought aggressively as she walked over to the door ready to give whoever it was a piece of her mind.

She stood in front of the door and was really shocked to find the almighty Castillo Walter standing in front of the door, with his hands in his pocket. He was having a big frown on his face.

Just then everything in her went numb, she could not even open her mouth, she was so speechless. She could not believe that the leader of the popular C4 was standing right in front of her.

He is really so handsome at close range, no wonder Madison was dying for this guy.

"Gosh Ivy be quiet! This guy just hit you with a door now and you're busy drooling, he has to apologize. Just keep a straight face" she scolded herself mentally.

"What are you doing here?" Came his sweet but cold voice.

"Huh! What does he mean by that? Is this not a restroom?" Ivy asked herself, feeling really surprised by his question.

"I said what are you doing here?" He asked again with a very big frown on his face.

"Are you deaf or something lady?" He growled, feeling really irritated by the fact that Ivy was just looking like a zombie, without even saying anything.

Just then, the huge man she saw earlier leaving this place with a lady, walked up to them.

By now, some students has already started staring at them coz it was visible to some part of the crowd.

"What's she doing here?" He asked with authority, facing the huge man.

"What's this dumb thing doing here?" He barked, and she was completely taken aback by his reaction.

Is this not supposed to be a restroom for everyone?

She could not even open her mouth to say anything, she was short of words. Like what is the meaning of all this?

"I'm so sorry sir, my attention was needed elsewhere and I...

Castillo raised his hand in the air indicating for him to keep shut, and he did instantly.

Ivy was feeling so confused. He's supposed to apologize for hitting her, now this. Or is this restroom meant for just him? Is it not for everyone.......

Hold on a she realize what the VIP sign meant . It was just for some persons and not for anyone.

Castillo stood and glared at her for some seconds before walking away. And the young man at the door bowed when he walked pass him. What arrogance!!!

She did not know about it if not, she wouldn't have stepped foot in there to meet that arrogant fool. But all the same, he shouldn't have hit her with a hard door and walk away just like that.

Now almost half of the students were staring at her.

She was busy cleaning up her gown, and when she looked up, she saw the huge man glaring at her. Obviously, he was a guard there.

She glared back at him and hissed, she held her gown in her hands and angrily started walking away. She made an angry face and was walking quickly back to her seat, not minding the stares from students.

She got to their table and bounced on her seat angrily.

"OMG! Ivy you just had an encounter with Castillo Walter" Davina who had seen all that happened exclaimed, immediately Ivy sat down.

"Oh please spare me that crap, that boy is such and assh*le"she cursed.

"Assh*le or not, you just had the opportunity to go close to the almighty Castillo Walter. Tell me, how does he look in close range, is he less cute or even more cute?" Davina asked dreamily.

"Oh please would you stop that, that guy just called me a thing!" She ranted feeling irritated and annoyed at the same time.

"What! Why?" Davina asked.

"Weren't you watching? He hit me with a door and called me a thing instead of apologizing" she huffed. And to her surprise, Davina bursted into a heated laughter.

"What, why are you laughing? Didn't you just hear what I said?" Ivy asked in a upset tone.

"You're crazy, In fact you're insane" Davina said as she continued laughing, and Ivy was totally confused now.

"So you expected an apology from Castillo Walter, you with just the name Ivy Crownway. Who are you to expect an apology from Castillo"


"That guy never apologizes, even to his own father, and here you are talking about apology. You know sometimes Ivy I do wonder if you're really living in this LA" she sighed.

"What do you mean by he never apologizes, who is he? Who does he think he is?" Ivy scoffed angrily.

"He is Castillo Walter, son of the influential minister Pedro Walter" Davina replied.

"So, does that give him the right to behave anyhow he wants?" Ivy huffed.

"Oh yes it does, he is a spoilt brat, he is the only son and child of that family, his parents loves him so much and they do whatever he says. He gets away with anything, and he gets whatever he wants. So please stop beating yourself over that guy"

"He was born with a silver spoon, and he is making good use of it. Some people are just that way, and there's absolutely nothing you or anyone else can do about it, so just live with it" Vina lectured, and Ivy just let out a pained sigh.

Deep down, she knew Davina was speaking nothing but the truth.

Thank goodness she wasn't able to say anything back there, coz if she had, it would have been an entirely different story now.

What she had prepared to say to him was really though, who knows he would have been crying by now.

So that's the fool everybody likes. Ewww!!!!!

"So now tell me, how does he look in close range" Davina asked shifting closer to Ivy.


Madison just sat quiet all this while looking at them, and not even uttering a word. She was feeling pained, she was bittered.

"Why does it always have to be Ivy?"

Now she got close to Castillo, and he even spoke to her, he f*cking spoke to her! Creating awareness in the party, and now everyone is stealing glances at their table coz of Ivy.

And the most painful part of it all is that Ivy pretends as if she does not care, when she does.

"Castillo was supposed to talk to me no matter what he says, but no it was Ivy instead. I guess she'll be feeling like a queen now" Madison muttered glaring hard at Ivy, who was busy speaking to Vina

She couldn't help but glare at the both of them, they were busy chatting. And the fact that Vina would not stop talking about it, angered her the more.

Ivy should not just try anything this time around, coz that would be overstepping her boundaries, and she Madi would not just sit and watch.

This is Castillo we're talking about here.

